Smoking, attitudes towards smoking behaviour, and nicotine dependence among physicians in Estonia: cross-sectional surveys 1982–2014



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Tubaka tarvitamine on üks peamisi haigestumuse ja suremusega seotud tervise riskitegureid maailmas. Arstidel on ühiskonnas oluline roll suitsetamise levimuse vähendamisel, samas nende endi suitsetamiskäitumine ja hoiakud mõjutavad tähelepanu pööramist patsientide suitsetamisele. Uurimistöö eesmärk oli anda tõenduspõhine ülevaade Eesti arstide suitsetamisest, suhtumisest suitsetamiskäitumisse ja nikotiinisõltuvusest aastatel 1982–2014. Uuring põhines Eesti arstide läbilõikelistel postiküsitlusuuringute 1982., 2002. ja 2014. aasta andmetel. Uuringu tulemused näitasid, et vahemikus 1982–2014 vähenes arstide suitsetamine ligi kolm korda ja seda just alla 45-aastaste hulgas, kuid suitsetamisega alustati üha nooremas vanuses. Aastal 2014 suitsetas igapäevaselt 12% mees- ja 4% naisarstidest. Uuringuperioodi jooksul muutusid arstide hoiakud suitsetamise suhtes vähemsoosivaks ning suurenes patsientide suitsetamisele tähelepanu pööramine. Samas oli suitsetavate arstide suhtumine suitsetamiskäitumisse oluliselt leebem. Üle poole suitsetavatest arstidest soovisid suitsetamisest loobuda. Rohkem kui kolmandikul igapäevaselt suitsetavatest arstidest oli mõõdukas või kõrge nikotiinisõltuvus, mis omakorda oli seotud suitsetamise alustamisega nooremas vanuses. Uuringust saadavad teadmised on vajalikud suitsetamisest loobumise nõustamise teenuste väljatöötamisel ning suitsetamise ennetamise ja suitsetamisest loobumise nõustamise käsitlemisel meditsiinihariduses Eestis.
Tobacco use is one of the main health risks related to morbidity and mortality. Physicians have an important role in reducing the smoking in society. However, physicians' own smoking behaviour and attitudes have an effect on addressing patients' smoking. The objective of the research was to provide evidence on smoking, attitudes towards smoking behaviour, and nicotine dependence among physicians in Estonia in 1982–2014. The study was based on data from cross-sectional postal surveys among Estonian physicians in 1982, 2002 and 2014. The results of the survey showed that current smoking among physicians decreased almost three times from 1982 to 2014, particularly among under 45-year-olds. However, physicians started to smoke at an earlier age. In 2014, 12% of men and 4% of women smoked daily. Over the study period, physicians became less favouring towards smoking and the addressing patients’ smoking habits increased. Physicians who smoked, were less strict about smoking and less likely to ask their patients about smoking. At the same time, more than half of currently smoking physicians expressed desire to quit smoking. More than one third of daily smoking physicians had moderate or high nicotine dependence which in turn was associated with earlier age of smoking initiation. The information obtained from the study contributes to the development of smoking cessation counselling and to the addressing smoking prevention as well as smoking cessation counselling issues in the medical education in Estonia.


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medical doctors, tobacco smoking, nicotine addiction, health behavior, health research, attitudes, second half of the 20th century, beginning of the 21st century, Estonia
