Gravity theories based on torsion: theoretical and observational constraints
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Kuigi üldrelatiivsusteooria (ÜRT) on väga erinevate nähtuste kirjeldamisel olnud märkimisväärselt edukas, ei anna see head seletust mitmetele vaatlustele kaasaegses kosmoloogias: kosmilise taustkiirguse homogeensus, universumi kiirenev paisumine, struktuuri päritolu ja galaktikate pöörlemine. Nimetatud vaatlusi saab seletada inflatsiooni, tumeenergia ja tumeaine sissetoomisega, kuid nonde täpne olemus on seni teadmata. Antud põhjused on motiveerinud uurima suurt hulka võimalikke ÜRT modifikatsioone. Selles töös ei vaata me aga ÜRT enda modifikatsioone, vaid mitmeid teooriaid, mis erinevad sellest aluseks oleva geomeetrilise kirjelduse poolest. Kõveruse asemel kasutavad need teleparalleelsed teooriad gravitatsiooni vahendajana väänet või mittemeetrilisust. Töö eesmärk on kontrollida antud teooriate vastavust vaatlustele.
Mainitud geomeetriates on oluline teoreetiline küsimus lokaalne Lorentzi invariantsus. Väändepõhistes teooriates käsitletakse seda küsimust kovariantsel kujul, mis taastab Lorenzi invariantsuse vastava kalibratsioonivälja sissetoomisega. Nõnda esitame esmalt skalaar-väändegravitatsiooni kovariantse formulatsiooni. Seejärel uurime gravitatsioonilainete levikut teleparalleelsete gravitatsiooniteooriate kahes üldises perekonnas, mis põhinevad gravitatsiooni erinevatel geomeetrilistel tõlgendustel. Meie tulemused näitavad, et kõik lainete režiimid levivad valguse kiirusel ja omavad kuni 6 võimalikku polarisatsiooni. Tuletame ka teleparalleelsete gravitatsiooniteooriate üldklassi post-Newtoni piiri. Meie tulemused näitavad, et vaadeldav teooriate klass on täielikult konservatiivne, mis tähendab, et ei lokaalset Lorentzi ja asukoha invariantsust ega energiaimpulsside täielikku jäävust ei rikuta. Lõpuks kasutame dünaamilisi süsteeme kosmoloogialiste mudelite mitmete aspektide kirjeldamiseks nagu kiirendus, fantoomne tume energia ja lõpliku aja singulaarsused f(T) teooriates.
Although General Relativity (GR) has been very successful in describing a wide range of phenomena, by itself does not provide any explanation for a number of observations in modern cosmology: the homogeneity of the cosmic microwave background, the accelerating expansion of the universe, the origin of structure and the motion of galaxies. These observations can be explained by introducing inflation, dark energy and dark matter, but the precise nature of these has remained unknown. These reasons have motivated the study of a large number of possible modifications of GR. However, in this thesis we do not study the modifications of GR itself, but a number of theories that differ from it by the underlying geometric description. Instead of curvature, these teleparallel theories employ torsion or nonmetricity as the mediator of gravity. The aim of the thesis is to check the viability of these theories. An important theoretical issue in the mentioned geometries is local Lorentz invariance. In torsion-based theories, this issue is addressed in their covariant formulation, which restores the Lorenz invariance by introducing a corresponding gauge field. In particular, we present the covariant formulation of scalartorsion gravity. Then we study the gravitational wave (GW) propagation in two general families of teleparallel gravity theories, which are based on different geometric interpretations of gravity. Our results show that all GW modes propagate at the speed of light and there are up to 6 possible polarizations. We also derive the post-Newtonian limit of a general class of teleparallel gravity theories. Our results show that the class of theories we consider is fully conservative, which means that there are no violation of local Lorentz invariance, local position invariance or total energy-momentum conservation. Finally, we use the dynamical systems to describe a wide range of phenomena in cosmology, like acceleration, phantom dark energy and finite time singularities in f(T) theories.
Although General Relativity (GR) has been very successful in describing a wide range of phenomena, by itself does not provide any explanation for a number of observations in modern cosmology: the homogeneity of the cosmic microwave background, the accelerating expansion of the universe, the origin of structure and the motion of galaxies. These observations can be explained by introducing inflation, dark energy and dark matter, but the precise nature of these has remained unknown. These reasons have motivated the study of a large number of possible modifications of GR. However, in this thesis we do not study the modifications of GR itself, but a number of theories that differ from it by the underlying geometric description. Instead of curvature, these teleparallel theories employ torsion or nonmetricity as the mediator of gravity. The aim of the thesis is to check the viability of these theories. An important theoretical issue in the mentioned geometries is local Lorentz invariance. In torsion-based theories, this issue is addressed in their covariant formulation, which restores the Lorenz invariance by introducing a corresponding gauge field. In particular, we present the covariant formulation of scalartorsion gravity. Then we study the gravitational wave (GW) propagation in two general families of teleparallel gravity theories, which are based on different geometric interpretations of gravity. Our results show that all GW modes propagate at the speed of light and there are up to 6 possible polarizations. We also derive the post-Newtonian limit of a general class of teleparallel gravity theories. Our results show that the class of theories we consider is fully conservative, which means that there are no violation of local Lorentz invariance, local position invariance or total energy-momentum conservation. Finally, we use the dynamical systems to describe a wide range of phenomena in cosmology, like acceleration, phantom dark energy and finite time singularities in f(T) theories.
gravitation, torsion, quantum gravitation, theoretical physics