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Meedia- ja kommunikatsioonitehnoloogiate kiirest arengust tulenevad muutused on üks 21. sajandi suurtest suundumustest, mida uurisin doktoritöös laste vaatenurgast. Keskmine läänelikus ühiskonnas kasvav laps veedab päevas tunde meediat kasutades. Meedia mõju lastele on uuritud palju, kuid endiselt on rohkelt erimeelsusi selles osas, kas meedia on lastele ennekõike võimalus või oht. Valdav on siiski suhtumine, et meedia ei ole lihtsalt hea ega halb, vaid selle mõju sõltub kontekstist. Doktoritöö eesmärk oli uurida Eesti laste elumaailma ehk nende subjektiivse maailmataju meediastumist – seda, kuidas meedia on laste elumaailma kujunemise üheks aluseks. Tuginedes kvalitatiivuuringule (intervjuud lasteaialaste ja õpetajatega) ning kooliõpilaste kvantitatiivuuringule (969 joonistuse kontentanalüüs), kirjeldasin meedia rolli laste elus. Lapsed kasutavad meediat iga päev, nad mängivad meediast inspireeritud mänge, jäljendavad meediategelasi ja nende sõnavara. Lastel on meediatootemarkidega riideid, mänguasju ja tarbeesemeid. Samuti on meedia alus laste koosloomele, mis viib meediasisu ka nendeni, kes ise kasutavad meediat vähe. Näiteks ei pruugi laps olla mõnd populaarset (multi)filmi näinud, kuid mängib lasteaias sõpradega selle ainetel loovmänge või kasutab meediatootemarkidega mänguasju. Seega, meediastumisel on nii otseseid kui ka kaudseid vorme, misläbi jõuavad meedia ilmingud kõigi tänapäeva läänelikes ühiskondades kasvavate laste igapäevaellu. Tulemustest ilmnes ka Eesti laste meediarepertuaari tugev mõjutatus USA ja Lääne-Euroopa meediatoodangust, mille üks võimalik põhjus on Eesti omatoodangu nappus. Tulenevalt laste globaalsest meediarepertuaarist soovitasin vanematel kasutada meedia kultuurilise vahendamise strateegiat, et selgitada, kuidas ekraanil nähtu seostub Eesti tavadega. Kuna osa meediaga seotud küsimusi ilmneb alles tagantjärele, soovitasin vanematel ka vestelda lastega nende meediakogemustest tagasivaatavalt, et vajadusel last toetada (ehk kasutada tagasivaatava vahendamise strateegiat).
The rapid development of the media and communication technologies is one of the megatrends defining the 21st century. Children in Western countries spend hours using media. Despite countless studies, the debate about media effects on children is one of the most controversial topics in the field of communication studies. Between highly optimistic and pessimistic perspectives, there is a widely accepted scholarly view that media usage is not directly “good” or “bad” for children. Instead, in the process of mediatisation, the media is becoming an integral and complex part of the social, cultural and cognitive development of children. The aim of this thesis was to explore the mediatisation of the lifeworld of children, defined as a subjective perception of the world. The findings of a qualitative study with kindergarten children and teachers and a quantitative content analysis of elementary school children’s drawings revealed that the media was deeply embedded in children’s everyday life. One form of mediatisation manifested in the direct usage of media. The other dimensions of mediatisation were more indirect. The games that children played, the vocabulary they used, the clothes they wore, the toys they used – all were greatly influenced by media content. Even if some children had minimal access to media at home, they became aware of current media trends through the childhood culture they shared in kindergarten (e.g., media inspired creative play). The findings also indicated that Estonian children follow the media content produced mainly in the USA or Western Europe. Therefore, I advised parents to talk about how the global media content is related to Estonian culture (defined as “cultural mediation”). I also suggested parents talk with children about their media experiences in retrospect (defined as “retrospective mediation”) to reveal whether a child needs support in the mediatised environment as they grow up.
The rapid development of the media and communication technologies is one of the megatrends defining the 21st century. Children in Western countries spend hours using media. Despite countless studies, the debate about media effects on children is one of the most controversial topics in the field of communication studies. Between highly optimistic and pessimistic perspectives, there is a widely accepted scholarly view that media usage is not directly “good” or “bad” for children. Instead, in the process of mediatisation, the media is becoming an integral and complex part of the social, cultural and cognitive development of children. The aim of this thesis was to explore the mediatisation of the lifeworld of children, defined as a subjective perception of the world. The findings of a qualitative study with kindergarten children and teachers and a quantitative content analysis of elementary school children’s drawings revealed that the media was deeply embedded in children’s everyday life. One form of mediatisation manifested in the direct usage of media. The other dimensions of mediatisation were more indirect. The games that children played, the vocabulary they used, the clothes they wore, the toys they used – all were greatly influenced by media content. Even if some children had minimal access to media at home, they became aware of current media trends through the childhood culture they shared in kindergarten (e.g., media inspired creative play). The findings also indicated that Estonian children follow the media content produced mainly in the USA or Western Europe. Therefore, I advised parents to talk about how the global media content is related to Estonian culture (defined as “cultural mediation”). I also suggested parents talk with children about their media experiences in retrospect (defined as “retrospective mediation”) to reveal whether a child needs support in the mediatised environment as they grow up.
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children, media, influence, media manipulations, media use, world, perception