Проблема реального реципиента художественного текста: анализ современных читательских практик
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Käesolev töö on keskendunud kaasaegse venekeelse lugeja ja tema lugemispraktikale. Toetume kontseptsioonidele lugeja kohta kirjandusprotsessis, mis on sõnastatud Janice Radway, Roger Chartier`i, Michel de Certeau jt. töödes. Samas on meie jaoks väga tähtis Brumo Latour`i actor-network teooria, nii et väitekirjas käsitletakse kaasaegseid lugejaid kogukonnana, jälgides horisontaalsidemeid nende vahel.
Uurimisallikana on väitekirjas valitud populaarsed internetiressursid, mis on pühendatud retsensioonide kirjutamisele (Livelib.ru) või otse lugemisele (veebiraamatukogu Flibusta.net). Seega on lugejate valik piiratud suurlinnade noortega, kes käsitlevad lugemist harrastusena ja meelelahutusena. Töö esimene peatükk sisaldab ajaloolist ülevaadet lugeja kui instantsi uurimisest, sh Venemaa lugejate uurimisest.
Teises peatükis määratakse uurimisala ja esitatakse kvantitatiivsed andmed, et teha järeldusi lugeja suundumuste kohta eelnimetatud ala materjali põhjal. Kolmas peatükk on pühendatud täiskasvanute hinnangule kooli kirjanduskaanonile. Neljas peatükk sisaldab kvalitatiivseid tähelepanekuid lugejate eelistuste kohta.
Selle väitekirja põhieesmärk oli uurida lugejaid kui kogukonda, jälgida nende horisontaalsidemeid, tuvastada, kuidas kujunevad nende lugejaeelistused, lugemistava ja iseloom. Töö käigus kasutati aktiivselt osalejate vaatlemist, passiivse ja mõõduka osalusega, aga ka mitmesuguseid intervjuusid. Kogutud teave võimaldas teha järeldusi mitte ainult lugemisringi ja lugemiseelistuste kohta (ka diakroonilises aspektis), vaid ka selle kohta, kuidas on lugemise roll muutunud tänapäeva ühiskonnas ja kuidas lugejad end määratlevad.
This work is focused on contemporary Russian-speaking readers and their reading practices. We rely on the ideas about the reader in the literary process, formulated in the works of Janice Radway, Roger Chartier, Michel de Certeau, and others. At the same time, Bruno Latour's actor-network theory is also important for us, so we regard contemporary readers as a community, tracing their horizontal ties into connexity. Popular Internet resources devoted to writing reviews (Livelib.ru) or reading (Flibusta.net web-based library) were selected as the basic field of research in the thesis. The implication is that the reader's sample is limited to young residents of large cities, who are used to entertaining themselves with reading. Chapter 1 contains a historical review tracing the evolution of views on the reader instance, as well as an essay on the study of readers in Russia. Chapter 2 defines the field of study and provides numerous quantitative data to draw conclusions about reading trends from the field defined above. Chapter 3 is devoted to reviews to the classic school canon. Chapter 4 provides qualitative observations on reading preferences in this field. The focus of this thesis is the study of readers as a community, tracing their horizontal connections, from which follows attention to their reading preferences and the nature of their reading. In the course of our work, we were actively using participant observation, with passive and moderate participation, as well as various kinds of interviews. The collected information allowed us to draw conclusions not only about the reading range and reading preferences (also in the diachronic aspect), but also about how the role of reading has changed and how readers define themselves.
This work is focused on contemporary Russian-speaking readers and their reading practices. We rely on the ideas about the reader in the literary process, formulated in the works of Janice Radway, Roger Chartier, Michel de Certeau, and others. At the same time, Bruno Latour's actor-network theory is also important for us, so we regard contemporary readers as a community, tracing their horizontal ties into connexity. Popular Internet resources devoted to writing reviews (Livelib.ru) or reading (Flibusta.net web-based library) were selected as the basic field of research in the thesis. The implication is that the reader's sample is limited to young residents of large cities, who are used to entertaining themselves with reading. Chapter 1 contains a historical review tracing the evolution of views on the reader instance, as well as an essay on the study of readers in Russia. Chapter 2 defines the field of study and provides numerous quantitative data to draw conclusions about reading trends from the field defined above. Chapter 3 is devoted to reviews to the classic school canon. Chapter 4 provides qualitative observations on reading preferences in this field. The focus of this thesis is the study of readers as a community, tracing their horizontal connections, from which follows attention to their reading preferences and the nature of their reading. In the course of our work, we were actively using participant observation, with passive and moderate participation, as well as various kinds of interviews. The collected information allowed us to draw conclusions not only about the reading range and reading preferences (also in the diachronic aspect), but also about how the role of reading has changed and how readers define themselves.
fiction, texts, reception, readers, Russian, reader surveys