Mittetariifsete kaubandusmeetmete rakendamine 1930. aastatel Eesti Vabariigi näitel
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Väliskaubandus on pidevalt olnud avaliku majandusdebati osaks, kuna olulise majanduskasvu väljundina võimaldab see majandustegevuses osalejatel laiendada turgusid ning suurendada tootlikkust ja kasumit. Väliskaubanduspoliitikat viiakse ellu mitmesuguste meetmete abil. Tavapäraselt jagatakse need tariifseteks ja mittetariifseteks kaubandusmeetmeteks. Tariifsed meetmed on enamasti tollimaksud, mittetariifsed aga kõik muud meetmed, mis mõjutavad kaupade liikumist. Tänapäeval ongi põhiline osa maailmakaubandusest reguleeritud mittetariifsete meetmetega. Nende osakaal suurenes järsult just 1930. aastatel.
Mittetariifsetel meetmetel on pikk ajalugu. Käesolevas väitekirjas analüüsitakse nende rakendamist Eestis 1930. aastatel. Varasemates uurimustes on rõhutatud Eesti kaubanduspoliitika muutumist 1930. aastatel protektsionistlikumaks, kuid tollimaksumäärade suhteliselt väike tõus seda ei kinnita. Töös käsitletakse erinevate kaubanduspoliitilist eesmärki kandvate meetmete rakendamist, nagu valuutakontroll, litsentside ja väliskaubanduse monopoliseerimine ning subsiidiumid. Vaadeldakse meetmete kehtestamist, analüüsitakse nende kehtestamise põhjuseid ja rakendamist. Eesti juhust käsitletakse paralleelselt Läti, Leedu, Soome, Rootsi, Norra ja Taaniga.
Väitekirjas tõestatakse, et mittetariifsete meetmete kehtestamine sai alguse suure majanduskriisi ajal, 1930. aastate esimesel poolel ja intensiivistus veelgi pärast 1934. aasta riigipööret. Esialgu oli meetmete rakendamise eesmärgiks eelkõige rahvusvaluuta kaitse, tingimustes, kus kroon oli devalveerimata, hiljem kujunesid meetmed sobivaks vahendiks Eesti kaubandushuvide elluviimisel.
Väitekirjas tõestatakse muuhulgas, et mittetariifsed meetmed on olnud majanduspoliitiliste eesmärkide saavutamisel väga efektiivsed, mis annab edaspidi põhjust nende ajaloo fokusseeritumaks uurimiseks.
Foreign trade has constantly been a part of the public economic debate because, as an important output of economic growth, it enables the participants in economic activity to expand markets and increase productivity and profits. Foreign trade policy is implemented with the help of various measures. These are usually divided into tariff and non-tariff measures (NTMs). Tariff measures are mostly customs duties, while NTMs include all others measures that impact the movement of goods. Today, the major part of global trade is regulated by NTMs. Their share increased suddenly in the 1930s. NTMs have a long history. This thesis analyses their implementation in Estonia in the 1930s. Previous studies have emphasised the fact that Estonian trade policy became more protectionist in the 1930s; however, the relatively small increase in tariff rates does not confirm this. The thesis covers the implementation of various measures related to trade policy goals, such as exchange controls, licences and the monopolisation and subsidisation of foreign trade. The enactment of the measures is examined, and the reasons for their enactment and their implementation are analysed. The Estonian case is treated concurrently with Latvia, Lithuania, Finland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark. The thesis confirms that the enactment of NTMs started during the Great Depression, in the early the 1930s, and intensified after the coup of 1934. Initially the primary objective for implementing the measures was to protect the national currency under conditions where the kroon had not been devalued. Later, the measures became a means for promoting Estonian trade interests. Among other things, the thesis proves that NTMs were very effective for achieving the goals of economic policy, which provides a basis for a more focused examination of them in the future.
Foreign trade has constantly been a part of the public economic debate because, as an important output of economic growth, it enables the participants in economic activity to expand markets and increase productivity and profits. Foreign trade policy is implemented with the help of various measures. These are usually divided into tariff and non-tariff measures (NTMs). Tariff measures are mostly customs duties, while NTMs include all others measures that impact the movement of goods. Today, the major part of global trade is regulated by NTMs. Their share increased suddenly in the 1930s. NTMs have a long history. This thesis analyses their implementation in Estonia in the 1930s. Previous studies have emphasised the fact that Estonian trade policy became more protectionist in the 1930s; however, the relatively small increase in tariff rates does not confirm this. The thesis covers the implementation of various measures related to trade policy goals, such as exchange controls, licences and the monopolisation and subsidisation of foreign trade. The enactment of the measures is examined, and the reasons for their enactment and their implementation are analysed. The Estonian case is treated concurrently with Latvia, Lithuania, Finland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark. The thesis confirms that the enactment of NTMs started during the Great Depression, in the early the 1930s, and intensified after the coup of 1934. Initially the primary objective for implementing the measures was to protect the national currency under conditions where the kroon had not been devalued. Later, the measures became a means for promoting Estonian trade interests. Among other things, the thesis proves that NTMs were very effective for achieving the goals of economic policy, which provides a basis for a more focused examination of them in the future.
Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone
Eesti, 1930-ndad, majanduskriisid, kaubanduspoliitika, meetmed, tollitariifid, väliskaubandus, rahvusvaheline kaubandus, kaubandusajalugu, majandusajalugu, Estonia, 1930s, economic crises, trade policy, measures, customs tariffs, foreign trade, international trade, commerce history, economic history