Chronology of the Weichselian Glaciation in the southeastern sector of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet
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Doktoritöö uurib Weichseli jäätumise ajalist kulgu, liustiku maksimaalse leviku ulatust ja liustiku pealetungi ja taandumise dünaamikat Ida-Euroopa tasandiku lääneosas. Uuringuala hõlmab Skandinaavia jäätumise kagusektorit Läänemerest kuni viimase jäätumise maksimaalse leviku piirini. See ala on Weichseli jäätumise jooksul mitmeid kordi allunud liustike tegevusele. Varasemate liustike ajalis-ruumilise dünaamika välja selgitamine on oluline, et ennustada praegu eksisteerivate liustike reageerimist järjest soojenevale kliimale. Varasemate liustike dünaamikat saab välja selgitada kronoloogiliste uuringute abil, mis on ka käesolev doktoritöö teemaks.
Teadmised Weichseli jäätumise ajalis-ruumilise kulgemise kohta Ida-Euroopa tasandikul on vaatamata mitmekülgsetele uuringutele väga lünklikud ja olemasolevad andmed jäätumisala lõikes ebaühtlased. Eriti puudulik info on varasemate Vara- ja Kesk-Weichseli jäätumise kohta, kuna sellele järgnenud Hilis-Weichseli liustik on varasemaid setteid ja pinnavorme oluliselt ümber kujundanud või hoopis erodeerinud. Seetõttu on varasemate jäätumiste setteid Põhja-, Kesk- ja Ida-Euroopast leitud vaid üksikutest kohtadest. Viimase, Hilis-Weichseli jäätumise kohta on andmeid rohkem, kuid siiani on ebaselge liustiku saabumise aeg uuringualale ja laienemine maksimaalse leviku piirile. Samuti on viimase liustiku taandumise käik olnud põnevate diskussioonide teemaks.
Doktoritöö eesmärgiks on koondada ja kriitiliselt analüüsida Weichseli jäätumise liustike dünaamikat iseloomustavat kronoloogilist andmestikku Ida-Euroopa tasandiku lääneosas. Detailsemad andmed esitatakse viimasele jäätumisele eelnenud jäävaba perioodi kestvuse kohta uuringualal; hinnatakse viimase Weichseli liustiku pealetungi ja selle maksimaalse leviku ajalist kestvust; esitatakse viimase jäätumise taandumise kronoloogia arvestades andmestiku geograafilise paiknemise ja liustikukeelte dünaamikaga ning diskuteeritakse liustiku pealetungi ja taandumise kiiruse üle
This thesis examines the chronology of Weichselian Glaciation, maximum extent of Scandinavian Ice Sheet (SIS) and its glacial advance and decay dynamics in western part of the East European Plain (EEP). Knowledge about temporal and spatial dynamics of former ice sheets would allow us to predict the response of current glaciers to globally warming climate. The study area of the thesis encompasses the SE sector of the SIS between the Baltic Sea and the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) position in the western part of the EEP. The Weichselian Glaciation is most extensively studied; however chronological data are unevenly distributed. Still, the occurrence of Early to Middle Weichselian glaciation in this region remains controversial because the advancing ice sheet has a great destructive potential for soft unconsolidated sediments and most of the sediments of former glaciations have been removed. However, evidence of glacial sediments attributed to the Middle Weichselian has been found in several sites in Europe, although, the opinions about the extent of SIS during the Middle Weichselian glaciation have remained contradicting. More is known about the last glaciation, but the timing of the advance of the last SIS and its arrival to maximum extent and deglaciation are continuously debated. This has necessitated the revision of the chronological data. In current thesis the behaviour of the SIS during the Weichselian Glaciation on EEP is discussed through the collection, review and synchronization of all available chronological data. In detail the duration of the ice-free period before the last glaciation is determined; an overall chronology for the last SIS advance is established; deglaciation chronology in conjunction with the current understanding of the ice-flow pattern is defined and overall rates of ice-sheet advance and recession are discussed.
This thesis examines the chronology of Weichselian Glaciation, maximum extent of Scandinavian Ice Sheet (SIS) and its glacial advance and decay dynamics in western part of the East European Plain (EEP). Knowledge about temporal and spatial dynamics of former ice sheets would allow us to predict the response of current glaciers to globally warming climate. The study area of the thesis encompasses the SE sector of the SIS between the Baltic Sea and the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) position in the western part of the EEP. The Weichselian Glaciation is most extensively studied; however chronological data are unevenly distributed. Still, the occurrence of Early to Middle Weichselian glaciation in this region remains controversial because the advancing ice sheet has a great destructive potential for soft unconsolidated sediments and most of the sediments of former glaciations have been removed. However, evidence of glacial sediments attributed to the Middle Weichselian has been found in several sites in Europe, although, the opinions about the extent of SIS during the Middle Weichselian glaciation have remained contradicting. More is known about the last glaciation, but the timing of the advance of the last SIS and its arrival to maximum extent and deglaciation are continuously debated. This has necessitated the revision of the chronological data. In current thesis the behaviour of the SIS during the Weichselian Glaciation on EEP is discussed through the collection, review and synchronization of all available chronological data. In detail the duration of the ice-free period before the last glaciation is determined; an overall chronology for the last SIS advance is established; deglaciation chronology in conjunction with the current understanding of the ice-flow pattern is defined and overall rates of ice-sheet advance and recession are discussed.
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jäätumine (meteor.), glatsioloogia, liustikud, Ida-Euroopa, freezing, glaciology, glaciers, Eastern Europe