Sõnatähendused ja sõnaraamat. Kasutuspõhine sisend eesti keelekorraldusele
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Doktoritöö käsitleb sõnatähenduste normimise problemaatikat eesti keelekorralduses. Teoreetiline raamistik on kasutuspõhine lingvistika ja meetod korpusanalüüs. Uurimus keskendub üldkeelele. Doktoritöösse on kaasatud ka verbirektsioonide uurimus, sest selle keelekihi normimises ilmnes sarnaseid lähtekohti ja meetodeid sõnatähenduste normimisega. Eesmärk on süstemaatiliselt uurida sõnatähenduste normimise traditsiooni eesti keelekorralduses ning analüüsida sõnaraamatu võimalusi keelekasutajale sõnatähenduste kohta suuniseid anda. Uurimuse praktiline eesmärk on pakkuda tuge EKI ühendsõnastiku ja 2025. aastal ilmuva õigekeelsussõnaraamatu (ÕS) koostamiseks.
Sõnatähenduste normimise traditsiooni alguseks saab pidada 1925. aastal ilmunud „Eesti õigekeelsuse-sõnaraamatu” (EÕS) I köidet. Empiiriliste keeleandmete, keelekorralduslike suunamiste põhjuste ning nende tulemuslikkuse analüüs kasutuspõhise lingvistika teoreetilises raamistikus näitas, et kui sajand tagasi oli ühiskeele loomise ja eestikeelse terminoloogia arendamise eesmärgil sõnatähenduste kindlam piiritlemine ehk põhjendatud, siis tänapäeval ei ole senised põhjused enam põhjendatud alus üldkeele sõnade tähendusi suunata. Näiteks on keelekontaktid ja keeltevahelised analoogiaseosed loomulik keelekasutuse osa ning ka metonüümiline ja metafoorne tähendusülekanne on keelekasutuses tavapärane.
Keelekorralduse seisukohad tuginesid 20. sajandil autoriteetide sõnastatud ideaalidele, nagu (range) süsteemitaotlus ja otstarbekohasus, ning otsuseid mõjutasid standardkeele ideoloogia ja purism. 1980. aastal võttis vabariiklik õigekeelsuskomisjon seisukoha, et sõnatähendusi ei ole vajalik ega võimalik normida. Samas ühiskonda laiemalt sellest ei teavitatud. Tänapäevase teaduspõhise keelekorralduse üks peamisi eesmärke on, et normingud vastaksid keelekasutuse sisemisele normile ning et soovitused oleksid ajakohased ega oleks praeguse keelekasutusega vastuolus. Keelekasutajale jagatakse keeleteaduslikele uurimustele tuginevaid selgitusi, et ta saaks teha oma konteksti sobivaid informeeritud valikuid. Doktoritöö põhiline tulemus on teoreetiliste käsitluste toel põhimõtte kinnistamine eesti keelekorralduse jaoks: üldkeele sõnade tähendusi ei normita ega suunata soovituste teel.
The analysis addresses the issue of standardizing word meanings in Estonian language planning. The theoretical framework is based on the usage-based linguistics, and corpus analysis serves as the methodology. The research focuses on general language. Additionally, the research incorporates an investigation into case selection patterns of verbs, as similar principles and methods are observed in the standardization of this language layer. The aim of the thesis is to systematically examine the tradition of standardizing word meanings in Estonian language planning and to analyze the dictionary’s opportunities to provide guidance to language users regarding word meanings. The practical objective of the research is to support the development of the EKI Combined Dictionary and also the Dictionary of Standard Estonian (DSE), scheduled for publication in 2025. The beginning of the tradition of standardizing word meanings can be traced back to the volume of the DSE, published in 1925. Analyzing empirical language data, evaluating attempts to standardize meanings, and considering their effectiveness within the theoretical framework of usage-based linguistics, the conclusion is drawn that, while a century ago fixing word meanings was more justified for the purpose of establishing a common standard language and developing Estonian terminology, today, none of these rationales provides a valid basis for standardizing the meanings of general language words in contemporary Estonian. For example, language contacts and interlingual analogical relations are natural parts of language usage, also metonymic and metaphoric meaning transfers are common in language use. Prescriptive statements by language planning in the 20th century were based on ideals such as (strict) systematicity and expediency, with decisions influenced by standard language ideology and purism. In 1980, the National Orthological Committee stated that it is neither necessary nor possible to standardize word meanings of general language. However, this standpoint was not widely communicated to the society. One of the primary goals of contemporary usage-based language planning is for norms to align with the internal norms of language use, and recommendations should not conflict with contemporary language usage. Language users are provided with explanations based on linguistic research to enable them to make informed choices suitable for their context. The most significant outcome of the doctoral thesis is establishing the principle in Estonian language planning that word meanings of general language are not standardized.
The analysis addresses the issue of standardizing word meanings in Estonian language planning. The theoretical framework is based on the usage-based linguistics, and corpus analysis serves as the methodology. The research focuses on general language. Additionally, the research incorporates an investigation into case selection patterns of verbs, as similar principles and methods are observed in the standardization of this language layer. The aim of the thesis is to systematically examine the tradition of standardizing word meanings in Estonian language planning and to analyze the dictionary’s opportunities to provide guidance to language users regarding word meanings. The practical objective of the research is to support the development of the EKI Combined Dictionary and also the Dictionary of Standard Estonian (DSE), scheduled for publication in 2025. The beginning of the tradition of standardizing word meanings can be traced back to the volume of the DSE, published in 1925. Analyzing empirical language data, evaluating attempts to standardize meanings, and considering their effectiveness within the theoretical framework of usage-based linguistics, the conclusion is drawn that, while a century ago fixing word meanings was more justified for the purpose of establishing a common standard language and developing Estonian terminology, today, none of these rationales provides a valid basis for standardizing the meanings of general language words in contemporary Estonian. For example, language contacts and interlingual analogical relations are natural parts of language usage, also metonymic and metaphoric meaning transfers are common in language use. Prescriptive statements by language planning in the 20th century were based on ideals such as (strict) systematicity and expediency, with decisions influenced by standard language ideology and purism. In 1980, the National Orthological Committee stated that it is neither necessary nor possible to standardize word meanings of general language. However, this standpoint was not widely communicated to the society. One of the primary goals of contemporary usage-based language planning is for norms to align with the internal norms of language use, and recommendations should not conflict with contemporary language usage. Language users are provided with explanations based on linguistic research to enable them to make informed choices suitable for their context. The most significant outcome of the doctoral thesis is establishing the principle in Estonian language planning that word meanings of general language are not standardized.
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