Eesti üldhariduskoolide õpetajate valmidus meedia õpetamiseks läbiva teemana
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Tartu Ülikool
In February 2002, The National Secondary Education Curriculum was adopted by the
Estonian Government, which declares media education as one of the disciplines
implemented in the cross-curricular principle, starting from this year. The aim of the
present Master Thesis is to find out the readiness of Estonian teachers to implement
media education across the curriculum.
The theoretical view-point, implemented in the Thesis, is the critical-constructivist
approach to media education. The aim of the mentioned approach is to teach media,
promoting methods of active learning in order to develop critical media literacy of the
Critical media literacy contains raising motivated and competent members of citizen
society, besides developing criticism and awareness towards information presented by
media, as well as finding information in the media channels and using data to achieve
one‘s aims.
In order to find out the readiness of media teachers, the criteria of media teaching by
Sirkku Kotilainen were taken as the basis; the questions of the Master Thesis
developed from them.
The readiness of media teachers was researched in the Thesis by the formal
questionnaire, 252 teachers from different regions of Estonia took part of it. The other
method used was semistructured qualitative in-depth interviews with 20 teachers of
general education schools.
As the result, it is concluded in the Thesis that teachers in Estonian general education
schools are not ready to teach media. The preconditions for teaching media, media usage of the teachers and notion of media usage and media literacy of the pupils, are
fulfilled. Approximately half of the teachers are well enough aware of the need and
opportunities of teaching media in order to do so, they are ready to use active
constructivist teaching methods and assess their readiness to teach media adequatly.
The biggest obstacle is the insufficient media literacy of the teachers.
Taking into account poor preparation of the teachers, it is clear that the media
education cannot be implemented as an across-curriculum discipline without
developing co-operation of teachers, pupils, parents and media experts. Advanced
training courses must be developed for the teachers, support persons and educational
materials must be available.
H Social Sciences (General), magistritööd, üldhariduskoolid, õpetajad, kutseoskused, kompetentsus, meediaõpetus, meediakasutus, meediauuringud, küsitlusuuringud, Eesti