Implementation of the concept of media education in the Estonian formal education system
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Kadri Uguri doktoritöö uurib meediaõpetuse võimalusi Eesti formaalhariduse raamides, võttes aluseks Euroopa lähenemisviisi meediapädevusele, meedia- ja hariduspoliitikale. Teaduspublikatsioonidel põhinevas doktoritöös jõutakse järeldusteni, et seni kehtivates põhikooli ja gümnaasiumi riiklikes õppekavades sätestatud meediapädevusega seotud õpitulemused on ainult osaliselt vastavuses noorte reaalse meediakasutusega ning on seega vähetähtsad, kuna ei kujunda noortes liberaalsel meediaturul toimetulekuks vajalikku suutlikkust. Teisalt osundab doktoritöö õpetajakoolituse süsteemis leiduvatele ressurssidele, kuna õpetajate valmisolek meediaõpetuse kui läbiva teema õpetamiseks eeldab kõrgkoolis eksisteeriva kompetentsi senisest teadlikumat kaasamist tasemekoolitusse. Doktoritöös analüüsitakse Eesti praegust meediaõpetuse rakenduspraktikat niihästi õppekava kui metoodika aspektist ning esitatakse rakendusmudel, mis kaasab meediaõpetuse arendusse senise kogemuse refleksiooni, meediakasutus- ja haridusuuringud, poliitilised otsused, õpetajakoolitust, metoodika ja praktilised rakendused.
Kadri Ugur’s doctoral thesis investigates the possibilities of implementation of media education into the Estonian formal education, based on European approach to media literacy, media- and education policy. Publication-based doctoral thesis comes to the conclusion that media literacy related learning outcomes in current Estonian national curricula are only partially relevant, since they are not related to young people’s media usage practices, and do not influence their ability to cope with the challenges of liberal media market. On the other hand, thesis points out some resources in the system of teacher training, since the readyness to teach media education as the cross-curricular theme presumes broader involving of the competences that already exist in the university. Doctoral thesis analyzes current implementation practices of media education in Estonian formal education from the points of view of curriculum development and methodology, and provides the implementation model that involves reflection of current experiences, research of educational and media usage practices, political decision-making, teacher training, developing methodology, and practicies.
Kadri Ugur’s doctoral thesis investigates the possibilities of implementation of media education into the Estonian formal education, based on European approach to media literacy, media- and education policy. Publication-based doctoral thesis comes to the conclusion that media literacy related learning outcomes in current Estonian national curricula are only partially relevant, since they are not related to young people’s media usage practices, and do not influence their ability to cope with the challenges of liberal media market. On the other hand, thesis points out some resources in the system of teacher training, since the readyness to teach media education as the cross-curricular theme presumes broader involving of the competences that already exist in the university. Doctoral thesis analyzes current implementation practices of media education in Estonian formal education from the points of view of curriculum development and methodology, and provides the implementation model that involves reflection of current experiences, research of educational and media usage practices, political decision-making, teacher training, developing methodology, and practicies.
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dissertatsioonid, meediaõpetus