Grammatiliste vormide seoseid suhtlustegevustega eestikeelses suulises vestluses
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Väitekirja „Grammatiliste vormide seoseid suhtlustegevustega eestikeelses suulises vestluses“ moodustavad seitse varem avaldatud artiklit ja sissejuhatav peatükk. Viimane annab ülevaaate uurimisülesandest, meetodist ja materjalist, esitab artiklites saadud tulemused ja järeldused.
Artikleid ühendavaks teemaks on keele abil tehtavate sotsiaalsete tegevuste (nt küsimine, käskimine) keeleline vormistamine erinevates suhtlusjärjendites suulises spontaanses eestikeelses suhtluses. Artiklid uurisid erinevatel keeletasanditel olevad vorme: (a) erinevad lausungitüübid (küsilausung ja väitlausung); (b) küsimuste moodustamise erinevad vahendid (nt kas, vä, jah); (c) sama verbivormi erinevad variandid (ei ole − pole) ja (d) sama sõna erinevad grammatilised vormid et-komplementalause saatelauses (ütlesin – ütlen jm). Küsimuste puhul lisandub analüüs küsimuste vormi ja suhtlejate episteemilise staatuse ja episteemilise hoiaku seoste kohta.
Väitekirja keskne probleem lähtub asjaolust, et keelekasutus varieerub. Inimene kasutab mõnes lauses verbivormi ei ole ja mõnes pole, vormistab kord üldküsimuse kas, kord vä abil jne. Väitekiri otsib varieerumisele seletust, kasutades meetodina kvalitatiivset suhtluslingvistikat ja deskriptiivset statistikat. Artiklite uurimismaterjal pärineb Tartu ülikooli suulise eesti keele korpusest.
Väitekiri näitab, kuidas eri tasandite keelendivariantide valik on süstemaatiliselt seotud vastava lausungi poolt tehtud sotsiaalsete tegevustega ning neid kasutatakse süstemaatiliselt kindlates suhtlusjärjendites. Analüüs näitas, et seosed tulevad välja kõigil uuritud grammatilistel tasanditel paiknevate nähtuste puhul.
The doctoral thesis “Some relationships between grammatical forms and social actions in spoken Estonian interaction” consists of seven articles, which are preceded by an introductory chapter. The introduction gives an overview of the research task of the thesis, of the research methods and the material used, sets out the results of separate articles and conclusions and findings. The topic of the articles is to analyze certain grammatical constructions and their relations with social actions (e.g. questions, directives) that they perform and the sequences where they are used in spontaneous Estonian interaction. The articles focus on the grammatical forms in different linguistic levels (a) question and statement (declarative); (b) different form variants of questions (e.g. kas, vä, jah); (c) different variants of the same verb forms (ei ole − pole), and (d) different grammatical forms of the same word in the main clauses of the et-complement clause (ütlesin – ütlen etc). The analysis of questions is complemented by an analysis of the relationships between the form of questions and the epistemic status and stance of the interactants. The use of the language varies, which calls for explanation. The articles of the present thesis seek a solution to this problem combining two methods of analysis: qualitative interactional linguistics and descriptive statistics. The data come from the Corpus of Spoken Estonian of the University of Tartu. The study indicates that social action and the sequential position of the linguistic expression are major factors in choosing different forms in Estonian everyday and institutional interaction. The relationships are represented at different grammatical levels:
The doctoral thesis “Some relationships between grammatical forms and social actions in spoken Estonian interaction” consists of seven articles, which are preceded by an introductory chapter. The introduction gives an overview of the research task of the thesis, of the research methods and the material used, sets out the results of separate articles and conclusions and findings. The topic of the articles is to analyze certain grammatical constructions and their relations with social actions (e.g. questions, directives) that they perform and the sequences where they are used in spontaneous Estonian interaction. The articles focus on the grammatical forms in different linguistic levels (a) question and statement (declarative); (b) different form variants of questions (e.g. kas, vä, jah); (c) different variants of the same verb forms (ei ole − pole), and (d) different grammatical forms of the same word in the main clauses of the et-complement clause (ütlesin – ütlen etc). The analysis of questions is complemented by an analysis of the relationships between the form of questions and the epistemic status and stance of the interactants. The use of the language varies, which calls for explanation. The articles of the present thesis seek a solution to this problem combining two methods of analysis: qualitative interactional linguistics and descriptive statistics. The data come from the Corpus of Spoken Estonian of the University of Tartu. The study indicates that social action and the sequential position of the linguistic expression are major factors in choosing different forms in Estonian everyday and institutional interaction. The relationships are represented at different grammatical levels:
Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.
vestlusanalüüs, eesti keel, suuline keel, keelekasutus, keele variatiivsus, suhtlemine, conversation analysis, Estonian language, spoken language, language usage, language variation, communication