Eesti Päevalehe juhtkirjade informatsioonilis-loogiline struktuur ja arusaadavus 2006. aastal

dc.contributor.authorOpermann, Signe
dc.descriptionThe Bachelor’s thesis «Informative-logical structure and understandability of the editorials of Eesti Päevaleht in 2006» is a study of the editorials of the newspaper Eesti Päevaleht primarily from the structural aspect. The purpose of the study is to identify the link between the structure of the text, its perception and understanding, and the factors that affect the writing and editing of the text, on one hand, and the creation of an association between what the author conveys and what the readers perceive, on the other. Riina Kallas analysed the structure and understandability of the editorials of Eesti Päevaleht in 2001. Her study results give valuable information for comparison purposes – the changes that are notable in the process of writing and editing of editorials and in the purpose and understandability of lead story texts six years later. The first chapter provides an overview of the most important concepts pertaining to understanding a text and the factors affecting it in general, as well as the nature of opinion writings and the methods used for analysing journalistic texts. The second chapter explains how to apply the informative-logical method to the analysis of newspaper editorials. A scheme has been drawn up of 10 texts, which convey the structure of the article – purpose, main thesis/theses, antithesis/antitheses, arguments, examples, background, etc. As a result of the analysis, one well-structured and one poorly structured lead story were chosen for an understandability experiment. Ten persons participated in the experiment; they were asked to summarise the content of the two editorials, formulate the purpose of the text and assess whether the content and meaning of the text was easy to understand or not. On the basis of the average result computed from the participants’ assessments, the understandability of the two texts, one with a more logical and the other with a less logical structure, were compared. The third chapter summarises the results of the text analysis and the understanding experiment, and provides a comparison of the results of R. Kallas from 2001 and those of this study. The closing chapter discusses the prospective trends of further studies into opinion writings and the developments in the opinion editorial work of Eesti Päevaleht over the past six years, and points out the main limitations and problems that may render it difficult for journalists and editors to focus only on the publication of well-composed and understandable texts. The main results of the study are summarised below. The expression of purpose in the editorials of Eesti Päevaleht has remained relatively on the same level as in 2001. The purpose is clearly expressed in nearly a half of the cases and hidden or implied in less than a half of the texts. Unfortunately, there are still editorials that, in the opinion of the author of this study, lack any purpose. Probably, the editor or journalist has not even questioned the reason why those texts were published. The experiment confirmed the hypothesis that a logically structured text facilitates the readers’ understanding of its content and meaning. The understandability of a well-structured editorial was between adequate and fairly fully understandable according to the mathematically computed summary assessment. Less well structured texts were partly rather than fully understandable. A comparison of the understandability experiments of 2001 and 2006 revealed a slight improvement of the understandability of the content and meaning of the editorials of Eesti Päevaleht. In summary, the opinion editorial staff of Eesti Päevaleht, whose work includes writing editorials, should continuously and purposefully address the issues of the formulation techniques and structure of the texts. The more attention is paid to style, the structure of sentences and understandability, the clearer and more articulated the expression of the newspaper’s opinion.
dc.identifierOpermann, Signe (2006) Eesti Päevalehe juhtkirjade informatsioonilis-loogiline struktuur ja arusaadavus 2006. aastal. Other thesis, Tartu Ülikool.
dc.subjectH Social Sciences (General)
dc.titleEesti Päevalehe juhtkirjade informatsioonilis-loogiline struktuur ja arusaadavus 2006. aastal


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