Heather Burnetti persoona-põhisest vaenusõnade käsitlusest



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Käesolev bakalaureusetöö sukeldus Heather Burnetti käsitlusse sõnadest ‘dyke’ ja ‘lesbian’. Burnetti persoonadel põhinev ekstensioonide eristus toob jätkuvat selgust vaenusõnade ja nende neutraalsete vastete vahekorra küsimusse. Ideoloogilistel struktuuridel põhinev vaenusõna halvustava efekti seletus on huvitav, aga lõppkokkuvõttes jätab soovida. Esimene peatükk tutvustas laiemat tausta, teine peatükk esitas Burnetti teooria ning asetas selle konteksti.


Slurs are considered to be words that are used as conventional ways of derogating some group, paradigmatic examples include words that derogate based on gender, race, sexuality, religion and so on. Philosophical literature on slurs is broad and varied, one approach to slurs’ derogatory component and all that follows is Heather Burnett’s (2020) persona-based account. Burnett’s account details how the slur ‘dyke’ and its neutral counterpart ‘lesbian’ aren’t truth-conditionally equivalent, at least for some speakers. She shows that different personas are typically associated with either word. Knocking down coreferentialism allows her account to include some of the more “everyday” uses of slurs that draw distinctions and make exceptions. It also allows her to explain why some lesbian speakers regularly use the slur in a derogatory way.


filosoofia, philosophy
