Aineühenduse roll ainevaldkonna arendamisel ja õpetaja professionaalse arengu toetamisel
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TÜ Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia
The role of teacher professional networks in developing the subject field and supporting the
professional development of teachers.
In Estonia, significantly fewer teachers are involved in nationwide teacher professional networks
than there actually are, and teachers also do not cooperate sufficiently. Prior to this, nationwide
teacher professional networks in Estonia have not been studied. The aim of this Master's thesis
was to identify the role of teacher professional networks in the development of subject field and
in supporting teachers' professional development. Nine representatives of national teacher
associations were interviewed in a qualitative study. The study used semi-structured interviews
and qualitative inductive content analysis for data analysis.The results showed that nationwide
teacher professional networks offer diverse opportunities for the development of teachers'
professional competencies and actively contribute to the advancement of the subject field.
aineõpetajad, õpetajad, erialane areng, enesearendamine