Auditoorse ja videoõppe õppevormi eelistused 3D modelleerimistarkvara Solid Edge kasutamise õppimisel Miina Härma Gümnaasiumi 7.- 8. klasside õpilaste näitel
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TÜ Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia
Classroom learning and video learning form preferences when learning to use the 3D modeling software Solid Edge on the example of the 7th-8th grade students of Miina Härma Gymnasium.
In technology education, it is important to develop students' practical skills and knowledge using 3D modelling software. The purpose of this research was to find out which form of learning basic school students prefer when learning 3D modelling software Solid Edge. The study helped to find out which teaching methodology proves to be more effective, which supports the use of a specific modelling program in the context of engineering education. The main goal of the research was to compare two different learning formats in terms of students' preferences when learning to use Solid Edge. For this purpose, two different learning techniques were used: classroom learning on the one hand and also learning videos were created and lessons were conducted based on them. To evaluate the results, a questionnaire survey was prepared and conducted, comparing the advantages of both techniques and their impact on students' skills in 3D modelling.
haridustehnoloogia, õppeprotsess, e-õpe, tehnoloogiaõpetus, Solid Edge (tarkvara)