Esmakursuslaste küberturvalisuse teadlikkus ja suhtumised kolme eesti kõrgkooli näitel
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TÜ Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia
Cybersecurity awareness and attitudes among first-year students: a case study of three
Estonian higher education institutions.
In today's rapidly advancing technological landscape, the ubiquitous integration of technology
into daily life significantly heightens the relevance of cybersecurity. This master's thesis
delves into evaluating the level of cybersecurity awareness and attitudes among first-year
students at three prominent Estonian universities.
The objective of this research was to analyze students' self-assessment concerning
their knowledge and perception of cybersecurity principles and risks, as well as their attitudes
towards the importance of cybersecurity and their role in ensuring digital security. A
particular focus was placed on the utilization of smart devices, which are integral to students'
everyday activities.
digipädevus, üliõpilased, nutiseadmed