Salva Kindlustuse sisemine kuvand



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Tartu Ülikool



The title of this Bachelor’s thesis is „The Internal Image of Salva Kindlustuse AS” and its subject is the Estonian insurance company Salva Kindlustuse AS. The company is based on domestic capital and has been operating in the Estonian indemnity insurance market since 1993. The main objective of this study was to chart and analyse the internal image of the company, the employees’ attitudes towards the company and find connections between the internal image and other communication activities. The perception of Salva’s internal image among the personnel working at the headquarters and its various agencies was measured quantitatively. The data will be subsequently used as the source material for the creation of a comprehensive communication strategy for Salva. The broader communication strategy forms a basis for the marketing strategy, which is also being prepared and will bring the company to a whole new level of more systematic planning in this field. The empirical research is based on a theoretical framework and the utilisation of different methods that have given a fairly clear picture of the Salva Kindlustuse AS internal image as perceived by the company’s employees. The analysed sample produced a relatively coherent result. The opinions concerning both internal image as well as internal communication and external image were surprisingly similar when comparing the attitudes of people working at the headquarters and at the various agencies. The internal image of Salva Kindlustuse AS was perceived as being very positive, which was indicated by both direct answers and was confirmed in comparison of different blocks of questions. Indifference and negative attitudes regarding the company were practically non-existent. Based on the analysis of the questionnaires most surveyed workers may be categorised as a target group that is active and has a high level of awareness. The surveyed personnel consider themselves justifiably as part of Salva Kindlustuse AS. They consider their behaviour as having influence in Salva and feel a strong connection with the company. Generally people find that there are positive developments and Salva is considered an attractive employer. The author believes that this thesis has reached its objective. The basis for the internal image and internal communication chapters of the subsequent communication strategy has been laid both on the theoretical and empirical level. A statistical and analytical database regarding the company-wide internal image survey has also been compiled. From the perspective of Salva Kindlustuse AS the present thesis may be considered very important. Similar studies have not been conducted at the company in recent years, and therefore the results of the current internal image survey have strongly confirmed several important starting points regarding the communication strategy and also strategic activity in general. Therefore this material provides a good basis for more detailed planning of the company’s communication activities and general management.


H Social Sciences (General), bakalaureusetööd, organisatsioonid, kindlustusasutused, kindlustus, kuvand, sisekommunikatsioon, organisatsioonikommunikatsioon, Salva Kindlustus
