Suhtekorraldusega seonduvate ajalehetekstide hariv roll
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Tartu Ülikool
In the theoretical part of the present Bachelor of Arts work was explained the
essence of educative role of public relations, dangers to professional
communication management and the importance of media in communication. In
the second part of the work was represented a conducted empirical research, where
was pointed out unorganized relations dealt in journalism and in discussion were
drawn parallels between the results of the research and theoretical base.
The purpose of the work was to examine the reflection of unorganized relations in
Estonian journalism, searching, to what aspects of public relations are referred and
what are the seen solutions.
In the current work six research questions were raised:
1 Is the problem of unorganized relations emerged in journalism and
where it appears?
2 What are the subjects where unorganized relations emerge?
3 Who displays the problems of unorganized relations in media?
4 What is the role attached to publicity?
5 What the communicative problems consist of?
6 What are the solutions to organize the relations?
In the research three Estonian newspapers were analyzed - Eesti Ekspress, Eesti
Päevaleht and Postimees. Three months of newspapers (December 2004 - February
2005) were researched. Quantitative and qualitative analysis of media texts were
carried out. During the quantitative analysis all the mentioned newspapers were
examined and the articles that corresponded to four criteria were pointed out-unorganized relations appeared in the articles, directed to publicity, communicative
aspect and educative role.
During the quantitative analysis thirty articles corresponded to criteria were
selected out. Consequently qualitative analysis of selected articles was carried out
and all the criteria of the articles were generalized and the results were shared into
bigger groups.
In the process of research all the answers to the raised questions were found.
1 The problem of unorganized public relations can be found in journalism in
the aspect of absence of cooperation.
2 The main subject, where the unorganised relations appear, is government
(among them state, ministry, local government, state crisis committee).
3 About unorganized relations most are debating journalists, seldom politics,
specialists and the representatives of publicity.
4 Publicity is accounted mainly irresponsible and not cooperative, rarely is
positive position attached to publicity.
5 Communicative aspect is appeared through different communicative
aspects, which can be non- operating communication, disorder of
communication and misunderstanding.
6 Solutions to disorganized public relations can be in dialogue, honest,
understandable and clear communication, in educating publicity and
following the ethical principles.
The main conclusion is that in analyzed articles solutions offered originate from
the ideal communication model, which offers managers, public relation managers
and journalists many possibilities for cooperation. In the situation of real
competition the roles of public relations managers and journalist present a contrast.
Journalist takes a position of a watchdog and public relations managers protect
interests of the employer. The research showed that the third party - publicity, is
often ignored. Publicity is often not included and is explained through inefficiency
and incompetence, but which shows undone work of the public relation workers.
Here appears the educative role of public relations, the purpose of the organisation
is to inform publicity and direct through the dialogue, honest, clear and
understandable messages proceed from ethical principles.
H Social Sciences (General), bakalaureusetööd, suhtekorraldus, rollid (sotsiol.), ajakirjandus, päevalehed, kommunikatsioon, mõjud