Bioinformaatika ontoloogia terminite automaatne leidmine vabatekstist
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Bioinformaatika valdkonnas on olemas palju tööriistu ja teenuseid, mille hulk kasvab üha kiirenevas tempos.\n\rEt informatsioon nende ressursside kohta oleks kättesaadav võimalikult kasulikul viisil, annoteerime me need ontoloogia terminitega.\n\rHetkel toimub annoteerimine käsitsi, mis on aeganõudev ja veaohtlik protsess.\n\rAntud töös seame eesmärgiks luua tööriist, mis aitab annotaatorit, pakkudes talle annoteerimissoovitusi.\n\rMe loome programmi, mis loeb sisse vabatekstilise tööriistade ja teenuste kirjelduse, lisab neile seotud veebilehtede ja teadusartiklite sisu ja sellel põhinevalt annab välja parimad leitud ontoloogia terminite vasted.\n\rSeejärel, optimimeerime programmi parameetreid käsitsi tehtud annotatsioonide põhjal.\n\rEsmased tulemused on paljulubavad -- paljud leitud soovitused on kooskõlas käsitsi tehtud annotatsioonidega.\n\rVeelgi enam, kogenud annotaatorite väitel on mitmed teised soovitused samuti korrektsed.
In the field of bioinformatics, the number of tools and services is ever-increasing.\n\rIn order to make information about these resources available in a useful was, we annotate them with ontology terms.\n\rThis is currently done manually -- which is time-consuming and error-prone.\n\rIn this thesis, we set out to make a tool that helps the annotator by providing annotation suggestions.\n\rWe developed a program, that reads in free text descriptions of tools and services, adds content of web pages and publications related to the tool and based on this outputs best matches to ontology terms.\n\rThen, we optimised the parameters of the program on manually done annotation sets.\n\rInitial results look promising, as when comparing performance against these manual annotations, we see that many suggestions are agreeing with them.\n\rMoreover, according to experienced annotators, many of the other suggestions are also correct.
In the field of bioinformatics, the number of tools and services is ever-increasing.\n\rIn order to make information about these resources available in a useful was, we annotate them with ontology terms.\n\rThis is currently done manually -- which is time-consuming and error-prone.\n\rIn this thesis, we set out to make a tool that helps the annotator by providing annotation suggestions.\n\rWe developed a program, that reads in free text descriptions of tools and services, adds content of web pages and publications related to the tool and based on this outputs best matches to ontology terms.\n\rThen, we optimised the parameters of the program on manually done annotation sets.\n\rInitial results look promising, as when comparing performance against these manual annotations, we see that many suggestions are agreeing with them.\n\rMoreover, according to experienced annotators, many of the other suggestions are also correct.