Factors and markers predicting subclinical atherosclerosis in type 2 diabetes
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2. tüüpi diabeet on laialdaselt leviv krooniline haigus, mis põhjustab tõsiseid veresoonkonna tüsistusi ja seetõttu on selle haigusega patsientidel suurem risk ateroskleroosi tekkeks. Ateroskleroos võib areneda asümptomaatiliselt, kuni ilmnevad tõsised tüsistused südame-veresoonkonna poolt. Subkliiniline ateroskleroos, mida iseloomustab arterite seinte paksenemine ja naastude moodustumine ilma ilmsete sümptomiteta, võib kesta pikalt enne tüsistuste teket. Tüsistuste ennetamiseks või edasilükkamiseks vajalikke sekkumisi on võimalik planeerida kui leida ateroskleroos juba subkliinilises faasis. Tihti 2. tüüpi diabeediga kaasnev rasvumine on täiendavaks teguriks ateroskleroosi arenemisel.
Uurimistöö eesmärk on tuvastada tegureid ja markereid, mis aitavad ennustada subkliinilist ateroskleroosi patsientidel, kellel ei ole varem diagnoositud ateroskleroosi ega selle tüsistusi. Läbilõikelisse prospektiivsesse uuringusse kaasati 216 patsienti kolmeteistkümnest Tartumaa perearstikeskusest. Teostati vereanalüüsid lipiidide ja glükoosi ainevahetuste, põletikulise aktiivsuse ning erinevate adipokiinide määramiseks. Lisaks vereanalüüside teostamisele viidi läbi ka 24-tunni toitumise analüüs, mõõdeti hüppeliigese-õlavarre indeksit ning hinnati unearterite seisundit ja kehakoostist.
Tulemused näitasid, et hüppeliigese-õlavarre indeksi ja visfatiini taseme määramine võivad olla kasulikud subkliinilise ateroskleroosi avastamiseks ja riski hindamiseks 2. tüüpi diabeediga patsientidel. Uuring tõstab esile toitumisharjumuste tähtsuse, kuna tasakaalustamata toitumine, mis sisaldab liiga palju rasva ja soola ning liiga vähe süsivesikuid, võib kiirendada ateroskleroosi arengut. Hüppeliigese-õlavarre indeksi ja visfatiini taseme mõõtmine võivad olla ateroskleroosi riski hindamisel väärtuslikud markerid, mille kaudu saab parandada ennetus- ja ravistrateegiaid.
Type 2 diabetes is a chronic disease with a widely increasing prevalence. It causes severe vascular complications, so patients with this disease are at increased risk of developing atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis can develop asymptomatically until serious cardiovascular diseases appear. Subclinical atherosclerosis, characterised by thickening of the artery walls and plaque formation without apparent symptoms, can develop long before complications occur. Therefore, its early detection is essential in preventing vascular complications. Obesity, often associated with type 2 diabetes, promotes the development of atherosclerosis through adipokines. This research aimed to identify factors and markers that help predict subclinical atherosclerosis in patients who have not previously been diagnosed with atherosclerosis or its complications. The cross-sectional prospective study included two hundred sixteen patients from 13 general practitioner practices in Tartu County. Venous blood samples were collected for analysis lipid and glucose metabolism, inflammatory activity and various adipokines. In addition to blood tests, a 24-hour nutritional intake analysis was conducted, the ankle-brachial index was measured, and the condition of the carotid arteries and body composition were assessed. The results showed that measuring ankle-brachial index and visfatin levels may help detect and assess the risk of subclinical atherosclerosis in patients with type 2 diabetes. The study highlights the importance of dietary habits, as an unbalanced diet with too much fat and salt and too few carbohydrates can accelerate the development of atherosclerosis. Measuring visfatin levels may be a valuable tool for assessing the risk of atherosclerosis and improving prevention and treatment strategies.
Type 2 diabetes is a chronic disease with a widely increasing prevalence. It causes severe vascular complications, so patients with this disease are at increased risk of developing atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis can develop asymptomatically until serious cardiovascular diseases appear. Subclinical atherosclerosis, characterised by thickening of the artery walls and plaque formation without apparent symptoms, can develop long before complications occur. Therefore, its early detection is essential in preventing vascular complications. Obesity, often associated with type 2 diabetes, promotes the development of atherosclerosis through adipokines. This research aimed to identify factors and markers that help predict subclinical atherosclerosis in patients who have not previously been diagnosed with atherosclerosis or its complications. The cross-sectional prospective study included two hundred sixteen patients from 13 general practitioner practices in Tartu County. Venous blood samples were collected for analysis lipid and glucose metabolism, inflammatory activity and various adipokines. In addition to blood tests, a 24-hour nutritional intake analysis was conducted, the ankle-brachial index was measured, and the condition of the carotid arteries and body composition were assessed. The results showed that measuring ankle-brachial index and visfatin levels may help detect and assess the risk of subclinical atherosclerosis in patients with type 2 diabetes. The study highlights the importance of dietary habits, as an unbalanced diet with too much fat and salt and too few carbohydrates can accelerate the development of atherosclerosis. Measuring visfatin levels may be a valuable tool for assessing the risk of atherosclerosis and improving prevention and treatment strategies.
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