Poliitikute ja ajakirjanike strateegiad ETV peaministrikandidaatide debattides 1999, 2003 ja 2007

dc.contributor.advisorRaudsaar, Mart, juhendaja
dc.contributor.authorKuusk, Hendrik
dc.contributor.otherTartu Ülikool. Sotsiaal- ja haridusteaduskondet
dc.contributor.otherTartu Ülikool. Ajakirjanduse ja kommunikatsiooni instituutet
dc.descriptionThis Bachelor’s thesis “Debating strategies of politicians and journalists in Estonian prime ministerial debates held in 1999, 2003 and 2007 on Estonian Television (ETV)” analyzed the debates between prime ministerial candidates on the public television channel ETV. This choice of subject matter was made because of the conspicuous lack of similar studies in Estonia despite the fact that the debates have consistently aroused public interest. The aim of this thesis was also to shed light on the election debates held in Estonia; it was hoped to provide some substantive, researched context for the circulating rumors. To meet the primary goal of the thesis, content analyses was chosen as a method. As a result, became cognizant of the evaluations given by the politicians as well as the intonation with which the journalists asked the questions. By knowing how the participants communicated with one another, it was made possible to determine what were the strategies of the politicians in debating, and the strategies of the journalists’ in asking the questions. The findings of this research were that politicians primarily use either an attacking or selling strategy. The goals of both the politicians and journalists were pretty similar: to criticize the government and/or Keskerakond, to leave the small parties in the background and to highlight the differences and disagreements between Keskerakond and the “white” parties. One might wonder if a debate with these characteristics is either biased or partial in some manner, or even suitable for National Broadcasting. Unfortunately, that is a difficult question to answer since there are many reasons to prefer the bigger parties and journalists must be free to run the show—even when trying to be balanced, one can't succumb to stupidity. The main purpose of this work isn't to point out the mistakes of ETV. However, it does shed light on the substance of the debates and gives the people involved in journalism something to think about. The results reflect the nature of an Estonian television debate. What can be concluded from that nature is that Estonian politics is moving more and more towards polarization and also developing a system with only a few parties. The debates, where everyone theoretically should have time to introduce their ideas, create even more inequality. Consequently, it would be necessary to examine how journalism affects the development of the political forces, not only in the television debates but also more broadly. Media has developed its own opinion of what the leading political parties are and they are also being recognized. Finding the right solution to the problem will prove very difficult; we have to find the right balance between the number of debaters and the balance of the show. These two variables seem to be to the most critical. In conclusion, the work and the results are, in general, satisfying. An important gap in the research of political communication was filled, or at least has begun to be filled. Especially important is showing the journalists’ actions as they play such a powerful role in conducting the debate and also in determining what the outcome will be. The political debates in Estonia still search for the right balance and they are not far from finding it. Thanks to the experienced presenters, the debates will presumably be better organized—we can only hope that the political culture will be, as well.en
dc.publisherTartu Ülikoolet
dc.subjectpoliitiline kommunikatsioonet
dc.subjectpoliitiline kultuuret
dc.subjectEesti Televisioonet
dc.titlePoliitikute ja ajakirjanike strateegiad ETV peaministrikandidaatide debattides 1999, 2003 ja 2007et


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