NATO imago Eesti elanike silmis enne ja pärast alliansiga liitumist võrdluses Euroopa Liidu imagoga
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Tartu Ülikool
The image of NATO before and after joining the alliance in the eyes of Estonians in
comparison with the image of European Union:
The image of NATO varies in different target groups of the research. The biggest
differences are caused by the attitude towards joining the alliance. Images of the groups
of NATO proponents differ greatly from the image of opponents.
The difference of the NATO image of proponents and opponents lies mostly in the
positive emotional involvement. In order to bring up the number of proponents it's not
that important to give more information but to create emotional involvement.
In the comparison of the images of NATO and EU similar indicators appear: advancing,
growing, rising, fast, opened, powerful, secure and varied. None of the indicators differ
more that 0,5 points. The biggest difference (0,48) is in the indicator powerful in favor of
NATO. NATO is considered to be more growing and advancing, accordingly by 0,37 and
0,29 points. EU is considered to be more colorful by 0,25 points.
In current case it is informative to make comparison with the image of EU. It went
through no changes during the two years, showing the similarity of profiles. This
confirms that certain factors and cognitive schemes are relatively evenly spread in society
and they create similar images of EU and NATO. The general attitude of the national
group toward society influences both images.
Recommendations of communication strategies: The image of NATO is not that much
dependent on how well-informed the target groups are. Among the well-informed, there
are both proponents and opponents of NATO. Those who are rather pro than con are
rather badly than well informed. It is important to create emotional involvement.
H Social Sciences (General), bakalaureusetööd, kuvand, Põhja-Atlandi Lepingu Organisatsioon, Euroopa Liit, avalik arvamus, Eesti