Characterization of the 16p11.2 600 kb BP4-BP5 CNVs in adult population cohort
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The 16p11.2 BP4-BP5 600 kb deletion and duplication carriers from clinical cohorts
result in syndromes that affect neurodevelopment and anthropometric traits, but are
also characterized by variable expressivity of associated phenotypic outcomes. The
phenotype analysis showed that the 16p11.2 CNV carriers in the EGC UT adult
population have characteristic features of 16p11.2 600 kb syndromes. Additionally,
the adult cohort has common features, which are significantly recurrent comparing to
EGC UT general population. Also, a new approach was used for finding genetic
modifiers contributing to the variability of genomic disorders phenotypes. The wholeexome
analysis found potential modifying substitutions for 4 adult 16p11.2 CNV
carriers’ specific features. According to our phenotypic and genotypic findings, it is
important to conduct a detailed phenotypic assessment of individuals with particular
genetic disorder and further investigate the exome or genome of the carriers to more
precisely predict the severity and diverse outcomes of disease.
CNV, 16p11.2, EGC UT, phenotype analysis, genetic modifiers