Levansucrase Lsc3 and endo-levanase BT1760: characterization and application for the synthesis of novel prebiotics
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Toidus sisalduvatest süsivesikutest on kiudained inimese soolebakteritele kõige sobilikumad. Need toimivad prebiootikumidena: jõuavad seedumata jämesoolde ja lagundatakse inimesele kasulike bakterite, nt bifidobakterite ja laktobatsillide toimel. Prebiootikume lisatakse näiteks imikute piimasegudele ja müüakse toidulisandina poes ja apteegis. Populaarseimad neist on fruktoosi polümeer inuliin ja selle hüdrolüüsil saadud frukto-oligosahhariidid (FOS). Sigurist eraldatud inuliini lubatakse kasutada toidus 2002. aastast. Lisaks inuliinile on looduses olemas ka teise sidemetüübiga fruktoosi polümeeri – levaani. Levaani sünteesivad peamiselt bakterid, kuid ka mõned taimed. Levaanil ja levaani-tüüpi FOS-l on näidatud tugevat prebiootilist toimet, kuid tootmiskulude kõrge hinna tõttu on neid veel vähe uuritud.
Antud doktoriväitekiri keskendub kahele biotehnoloogiliselt olulisele bakteriaalsele ensüümile: levaansukraasile ja endo-levanaasile, mille abil on võimalik levaani-tüüpi fruktaane toota tavalisest lauasuhkrust. Näitasime, et taimepatogeeni Pseudomonas syringae levaansukraas Lsc3 on üks efektiivsemaid levaansukraase. Ta sünteesib sahharoosist produktide segu: tekib inuliini- ja levaani-tüüpi FOS-e ning ka levaani. Ebasoovitavaks kõrvalproduktiks on suur kogus glükoosi, mis takistab FOS-ide segu kasutamist prebiootikumina ilma eelneva puhastuseta.
Levaani ensümaatilise hüdrolüüsiga on võimalik toota levaani-tüüpi FOS-e nende bioloogiliste efektide uurimiseks. Levaani lagundavaks ensüümiks sobib hästi inimese jämesoolebakteri Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron endo-levanaas BT1760. Näitasin, et BT1760 ’tükeldas’ efektiivselt nii taimset kui ka bakteriaalseid levaane. Endo-levanaasi 3D struktuur näitas, et ensüümi substraaditasku on sügava kausi kujuline ning et pikk levaaniahel peab painduma kausi põhja, et oleks võimalik esimese lõike tegemine.
Diet containing a sufficient amount of food fibre acts prebiotically – supports the growth of beneficial probiotic bacteria. Prebiotics are functional food ingredients, which pass the stomach unchanged and in the gut serve as energy and carbon source for probiotic bacteria such as bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. The most popular currently available prebiotics are inulin – a polymeric fructan extracted from chicory roots, and fructo-oligosaccharide (FOS) preparations produced from inulin by enzymatic hydrolysis. There is also another natural fructan – levan – which is synthesized mostly by bacteria. Levan and respective FOS have shown even higher prebiotic effect than those of inulin, but high production cost of these preparations hinders their study and utilization as a prebiotic supplement. Our workgroup contributes extensively to synthesis and development of fructose-based novel prebiotics, focusing mainly on levan-type fructans. For that, we have been using two enzymatic approaches: i) synthesis of levan-type fructans using a levansucrase, and ii) hydrolysis of levan into FOS using an endo-levanase. Levansucrase Lsc3 from a plant-associated bacterium Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato was shown by us as a highly active and stable catalyst which makes it a perfect candidate for levan synthesis. Along with levan, levansucrase produces also FOS. Unfortunately, the mixture of FOS is full of glucose as an obligatory side-product of levansucrase reaction, and it contains both, inulin- and levan-type FOS. Isolation of levan-type FOS from this mixture is complicated. We showed that a feasible way for levan-type FOS production is the hydrolysis of polymeric levan using the endo-levanase BT1760 from a human gut commensal Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron. The endo-levanase was able to hydrolyse every tested levan, preferring levan of plant origin. From the crystal structure analysis of BT1760, we concluded that levan chain should be bent into the substrate-binding pocket of the enzyme to enable the hydrolysis at the bottom of the cavity.
Diet containing a sufficient amount of food fibre acts prebiotically – supports the growth of beneficial probiotic bacteria. Prebiotics are functional food ingredients, which pass the stomach unchanged and in the gut serve as energy and carbon source for probiotic bacteria such as bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. The most popular currently available prebiotics are inulin – a polymeric fructan extracted from chicory roots, and fructo-oligosaccharide (FOS) preparations produced from inulin by enzymatic hydrolysis. There is also another natural fructan – levan – which is synthesized mostly by bacteria. Levan and respective FOS have shown even higher prebiotic effect than those of inulin, but high production cost of these preparations hinders their study and utilization as a prebiotic supplement. Our workgroup contributes extensively to synthesis and development of fructose-based novel prebiotics, focusing mainly on levan-type fructans. For that, we have been using two enzymatic approaches: i) synthesis of levan-type fructans using a levansucrase, and ii) hydrolysis of levan into FOS using an endo-levanase. Levansucrase Lsc3 from a plant-associated bacterium Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato was shown by us as a highly active and stable catalyst which makes it a perfect candidate for levan synthesis. Along with levan, levansucrase produces also FOS. Unfortunately, the mixture of FOS is full of glucose as an obligatory side-product of levansucrase reaction, and it contains both, inulin- and levan-type FOS. Isolation of levan-type FOS from this mixture is complicated. We showed that a feasible way for levan-type FOS production is the hydrolysis of polymeric levan using the endo-levanase BT1760 from a human gut commensal Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron. The endo-levanase was able to hydrolyse every tested levan, preferring levan of plant origin. From the crystal structure analysis of BT1760, we concluded that levan chain should be bent into the substrate-binding pocket of the enzyme to enable the hydrolysis at the bottom of the cavity.
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prebiootikumid, polüsahhariidid, ensüümitehnoloogia, mikroobiensüümid