„Rohelise“ turundusstrateegia koostamine Ecoprindi näitel
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Tartu Ülikool
Green marketing is not a well-known area in Estonia yet. Green or environmentallyfriendly
products are offered only by a few enterprises; however, they should still use
respective marketing communication. At the same time, suspicions of greenwash have
occurred in some fields and, despite little experience, consumers are getting sceptical
about green products. Hence, in green marketing it is very important to put particular
emphasis on communication with target groups in order to ensure consumer
The subject of green marketing has been studied in the University of Tartu by four
students. Jürg Sameli (2003) dealt in his bachelor’s thesis with the promotion of green
energy as an environmentally safe product. Another paper on green marketing titled
Presuppositions of Development of Consumer Habits Based on Estonian Green
Energy was prepared by Liina Karo (2004); in the same year Silvia Kübar prepared a
bachelor’s thesis on advertisements referring to the natural environment titled
Appealing to Nature and Environment in Advertisements. Present paper deals with
similar topic as the bachelor’s thesis of Rasmus Pedanik (2007) titled Strategy of
Green Marketing Based on the Product Green Print. Pedanik analyses the perception
of the marketing communication of the Green Print by the customers of AS Triip. The
author of the present paper focuses on the next stage in the analysis and development
of the marketing communication of the enterprise providing environmentally safe
printed products.
The empirical part of the bachelor’s thesis is based on studies conducted during the
last three years about the trademark Green Print, and on communication and
marketing practices of AS Triip. The studies have been conducted within the subjects
of the study programmes of the Department of Journalism and Communication and
the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration. The studies were prepared
only by the author of the paper, or in cooperation with other students.
The theoretical part of this paper is based on works of Donalt A. Fuller, theoretician
of green marketing, on green marketing and communication thereof. Green marketing
communication has two distinctive goals compared to the conventional approach: one
of them is about educating the target groups on environment, and the other is aimed at
ensuring the confidence in the organisation and the product. Therefore plays
communication in marketing of green products a very important role. As the field of
environment is a very specific one, complicated structures cannot be applied to green
marketing communication; it is important to make sure that consumers are able to
comprehend the information available.
The bachelor’s thesis includes an analysis of communication strategies of the
company based on the theory by Fuller; the author has proposed solutions considering
this analysis and the real market situation. Ecoprint has taken over the main
communication strategies of its predecessor AS Triip; however, in terms of concept
the organisation has turned from a sales company into a production company, hence
the old strategies are not efficient anymore. Besides, marketing communication of AS
Triip was not very efficient or well-organised after all. The author in conclusion
recommends creating a new mission and vision for this new printing company. The
author has pointed out main aspects and core values, which the company’s new
identity could rely on. In addition to thorough analysis of the present situation, the last
part includes the priorities of the company’s activity, the action plan for green
marketing strategy and possible solutions to the central issues at the moment. The
paper will be put in practice and it will form a basis for planning the marketing
communication strategy of the new company, Ecoprint.
H Social Sciences (General), bakalaureusetööd, keskkond, turunduskommunikatsioon, turundusstrateegiad, säästev areng, säästlik eluviis, keskkonnasõbralikud tooted