Browsing by Author "Kaldur, Kristjan, juhendaja"
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Item The availability of the housing program for internally displaced people in Ukraine: barriers and facilitators(Tartu Ülikool, 2021) Abbasova, Samira; Kaldur, Kristjan, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Sotsiaalteaduste valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Johan Skytte poliitikauuringute instituutThe purpose of this thesis is to research a housing program for internally displaced per-sons (IDPs) in Ukraine and identify factors hindering its successful implementation (suc-cess in this thesis is defined as high rates of participation). Housing policy is important to be researched because it has a crucial influence on the ability of IDPs to adapt to a new community. Access to adequate and affordable housing is the first step in their pro-cess of resettlement and integration. The Affordable Housing Program (AHP) of Ukraine was designed according to the pref-erences of IDPs and provided them with funding for housing purchase since 2017, but the program lacked participants. To find out why, there was, firstly, a detailed analysis of program design and its’ requirements conducted. After that, 24 Ukrainian IDPs were interviewed including AHP participants and the control group of other IDPs. The re-search supported the hypotheses of the thesis and concluded that the main factors con-tributing to hindering the program are (hypothesis 1) administrative issues with the pro-cedure (the most important of them being the long waiting queue for the assistance) and (hypothesis 2) the high financial requirements of the program, which were difficult to be met by participants. Two other hypotheses of the research were not supported. The first one stated that the IDPs do not participate in AHP because of the lack of knowledge about the program, when in actuality they were well-informed about assistance programs. The other stated that IDPs have no need of private ownership of housing, but the interviewees expressed an aspiration to purchase housing. Despite those aspirations, IDPs were rather limited in their financial abilities to purchase housing, even with AHP assistance. Thus, it was concluded that the state should provide displaced people with different kinds of programs helping not only with purchase, but also giving options of affordable temporary accommodation. Otherwise, the general in-tegration of IDPs into a new community (as well as their employment, political partici-pation, getting healthcare, education and other services) will be hindered by the absence of such a primary need as housing.Item Differences in thematic and geographical interests among the readers of news portal Delfi in Russian and Estonian language(Tartu Ülikool, 2021) Briantseva, Nina; Kaldur, Kristjan, juhendaja; Seppel, Külliki, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Sotsiaalteaduste valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Johan Skytte poliitikauuringute instituutThe purpose of this master’s thesis is to study whether and how the media consumption among Russian-speaking minority in Estonia has an effect on the integration of this group to Estonian society. For this, the character of the media consumption among two audiences: Russianspeaking minorities and Estonian-speaking group - is compared and analysed. The thesis uses the quantitative approach: statistical data about the media consumption of these two audiences is analysed, based on the data from the Estonian news portal and its Russian-language version The main results indicate that, in general, the Russian-speaking audience has become over time more interested in consuming the content about the developments in Estonia, but these changes are significant only in several thematic groups and with a high probability are connected with the COVID-19.Item Millised tegurid mõjutavad ukrainlaste töörännet siirderiiki? Eesti näide(Tartu Ülikool, 2022) Aljasmäe, Jete; Kaldur, Kristjan, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Sotsiaalteaduste valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Johan Skytte poliitikauuringute instituutKäesoleva magistritöö eesmärgiks on välja selgitada, millised on Ukraina töötajate peamised tõmbe-ja tõuketegurid Eestisse tööle suundumisel, ehk millised Ukrainaga seotud tegurid neid päritoluriigist lahkuma ajendavad, ning millised Eestiga seotud tegurid neid Eestisse toovad. Lisaks on käesoleva magistritöö eesmärk käsitleda laiemat konteksti ning uurida, kas ja kuidas need tegurid erinevad teiste Euroopa Liidu riikides tuvastatud teguritest. Magistritöö eesmärgini jõudmiseks lähtuti ühest kesksest uurimisküsimusest: Millised on peamised tõmbe -ja tõuketegurid Ukraina töötajate Eestisse tööle suundumisel? Kas ja kuidas need tegurid erinevad teistest töös käsitletud EL riikidest? Magistritöö teoreetiliseks lähtealuseks on Everett Lee (1966) loodud tõmbe-ja tõuketegurite teooria, mis selgitab migrantide rändeotsuseid. Peamised töörännet EL-i kirjeldavad tõmbe-ja tõuketegurid tuuakse välja Eametsa ja Philipsi (2004) koondatud tegurite põhjal. Täiendavad tegurid koondatakse erinevate Ukraina diasporaad ja töörännet uurinud autorite (Libanova, 2019; Kupets, 2013; Brunarska et al, 2014, Vianello, 2014 jne) põhjal. Magistritöös kasutatakse kombineeritud kvantitatiivset ja kvalitatiivset andmekogumise meetodit: sihtrühma hulgas viidi läbi ankeetküsitlus, mille tulemusi valideeriti ja täiendati poolstruktureeritud intervjuude kaudu. Magistritöö analüüsi tulemusena selgus, et ukrainlasi ajendab tõuketegurina Ukrainast Eestisse tööle tulema Eesti ja Ukraina sissetulekutega seotud põhjused, soov tõsta perekonna elustandardeid, turvalisuse kaalutlused, üldine elukvaliteet ja turvalisuse kaalutlused. Peamistest tõmbeteguritest, mis ukrainlasi just Eestisse nö tööle tõmbavad, on olukord tööturgudel, rände traditsiooni ja võrgustike olemasolu, (lühiajalist) töötamist soodustav rändepoliitika ning Eesti ja Ukraina geograafiline lähedus, tööandja tugi paberimajanduses ja teadmine, et vene keelega saab Eestis hakkama. Tegurite osas tuvastati sarnasusi Poolat ja Tšehhi tõuke-ja tõmbeteguritega.Item National identity in Kazakhstan: an examination of the effects of everyday nationalism, banal nationalism, and regionalism(Tartu Ülikool, 2023) Rosen, Eshel; Ibadildin, Nygmet, juhendaja; Kaldur, Kristjan, juhendaja; Reidhead, Jacob, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Sotsiaalteaduste valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Johan Skytte poliitikauuringute instituutThis thesis analyzes national identity in Kazakhstan via micro-level analysis employing the concepts of banal nationalism, everyday nationalism, and regionalism. The first section of this thesis introduces the related literature and the conceptual background on which this research is posited. Literature on the causes and effects of nationalism are thoroughly examined to demonstrate a research gap on the effects of nationalism on an individual level. Within this section the concepts of everyday nationalism, banal nationalism, and regionalism are operationalized for analysis. These three concepts are tested on preference towards domestic or international news, belief if country is headed in right direction, and level of favorability towards Russia. At the end of this section three hypotheses are proposed that each of which tests one of the theorized predictive factors. The second section of this thesis discusses the methodology used and descriptions of all variables used. This study examines a single case study using large-n logistic and linear regression analysis. Quantitative analysis was chosen to examine trends across a large sample size that was approximately representative of Kazakhstan’s population. Kazakhstan was chosen as the case of analysis due to its unique linguistic and ethnic background that gives insight into nationalism in states with sizable ethnic minority groups. A single case study was chosen due to the lack of comparable cases to Kazakhstan. This section also includes four univariate graphs to show the overall spread of key variables. The third section discusses the results of the logistic and linear regression analysis. The results tested the significance of the three independent variables on observable behaviors related to national identity. The results found that regional identity variable is the strongest predictive factor of national identity in Kazakhstan. The measures of banal and everyday nationalism were significant in only two of the three tested models. The findings demonstrate the need for examining the effects of nationalism, on both a macro and micro level. They reveal the need for a reconceptualization of traditional approaches to nationalism, especially in very ethnically and linguistically diverse cases.Item Piiriülese pagulaspoliitika mudeli rakendamine: Eesti näidetel taasiseseisvumisest tänapäevani(Tartu Ülikool, 2013) Bogens, Mathis; Kaldur, Kristjan, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Sotsiaal- ja haridusteaduskond; Tartu Ülikool. Riigiteaduste instituutItem Political socialization of immigrants: a case study of Estonia(Tartu Ülikool, 2022) Syurmen, Meriyem; Mach, Zdzisław, juhendaja; Kaldur, Kristjan, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Sotsiaalteaduste valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Johan Skytte poliitikauuringute instituutLearning and acquisition of political behavior are important processes as they affect the way individuals participate in political and civic life of a country. Political socialization is the process of learning and change in attitudes towards politics and political participation. Migration, being an important decision for individuals, changes their status and puts them in a different political environment where the individuals are expected to experience political socialization through learning and adapting to new political environment. Within the last decade Estonia started to attract high-skilled immigrants resulting in a positive net migration since 2015. This thesis tries to explore how a country which is becoming a newly immigrant destination creates a space for immigrants’ political socialization. Interviews with immigrants who have spent less than five years in Estonia revealed that they do not show resistance to change. Transfer of previous political socialization and increased levels of participation through exposure to the host country are observed in conventional and civic participation, whereas no particular effect of exposure on socialization in unconventional forms of participation was observed.Item Rändepoliitika mõjutatus “rahvusliku julgeoleku” retoorikast: Eesti näitel(Tartu Ülikool, 2015) Pihlamägi, Hedi; Kaldur, Kristjan, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Sotsiaal- ja haridusteaduskond; Tartu Ülikool. Riigiteaduste instituutAntud magistritöö eesmärgiks on leida vastus küsimusele, kuidas on rändepoliitikas julgeolekustatud sisserändetemaatika, nii institutsionaliseeritud tasandil kui ka meedias kajastust leidnud julgeolekustamisaktides. Käesoleva teema diskursusanalüüs tugineb julgeoleku-uuringute Kopenhaageni koolkonna kõneakti teooriale. Analüüsialuseks empiiriliseks juhtumiks on valitud Eesti riigi rändepoliitika ning analüüsis toetutakse ametlikule diskursusele lähtuvalt siseriiklikest strateegiatest ning valitsusasutuste ametlikest rändepoliitika dokumentidest. Analüüsialuste materjalidena käsitletakse lisaks eelnevalt mainitule ka pressiteateid, avaldusi massimeedias (intervjuud, väitlused, arvamusartiklid) ning sõnavõtte konverentsidel. Uurimisalune periood jääb ajavahemikku 2000-2014, tulenevalt asjaolust, et 2000. aastate algusest on sisserände temaatika julgeolekuvõtmes leidnud üha aktiivsemat kajastust. Mõistmaks paremini uurimisalust küsimust, on magistritöös kasutatud mugandatud varianti Lene Hanseni intertekstuaalsest uurimismudelist nr 1 (vt Lisa 1), mis võimaldab läbi diskursusanalüüsi kogutud infomaterjali selgemalt esitada ja kategoriseerida. Analüüsi allosade avamisel on kasutusel ka Kopenhaageni koolkonna teoorial põhinev Juha Vuori kõneaktide julgeolekustamise hindamismudel (vt Lisa 2). Käesolev mudel võimaldab eristada kõneakte intensiivsusest lähtuvalt. Kõneaktide analüüsi tulemusena selgus, et rändetemaatika on Eesti näitel julgeolekustatud nii institutsionaliseeritud kui ka meediakajastuse tasandil. Enim on levinud neutraalse loomuga väitetasandi julgeolekustamisaktid ning väiksemas ulatuses on esindatud radikaalsemaid seisukohti sisserände ja julgoleku vahelistes seostes. Sagedane on sisserände portreteerimine julgeolekuohuna, esitamata konkreetsemat tegevuskava või meetmete kirjeldust.Item Should the concept of highly skilled migration be redefined? A case analysis of Estonia(Tartu Ülikool, 2023) Khan, Alvira Asif Ali; Kaldur, Kristjan, juhendaja; Amini, Chiara, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Sotsiaalteaduste valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Johan Skytte poliitikauuringute instituutDespite receiving countries' growing favourable perceptions of highly skilled (labour) migrants, defining, and using the concept of high-skilled migration is a puzzling question. The uncertainty that results makes it difficult to quantify human capital, preventing worldwide evaluations of skills, and makes it challenging to evaluate immigration policy. In this thesis, three standard criteria are evaluated to provide a discussion on this phenomenon of highly skilled migration. The term "highly skilled" has been evaluated from a definitional perspective under the paradigm of academics, the global labour market and immigration policies. To assess the applicability of the criteria defining a "highly skilled", Estonia has used a case study to assess how the definitional approach differs from immigration policies and thus provide a critical analytical discussion on the relevancy of "highly skilled" in the new knowledge economy.Item Sihtriigis viibitud aja mõju uussisserändajate kohanemisele: Eesti näitel(Tartu Ülikool, 2019) Griffel, Diana; Kaldur, Kristjan, juhendaja; Kilp, Alar, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Sotsiaalteaduste valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Johan Skytte poliitikauuringute instituutKäesolevas bakalaureusetöös uuriti uussisserändajate kohanemist, mis on Eestis veel suhteliselt väheuuritud teema. Süsteemsemalt on hakatud uussisserändajate ehk vähem kui viis aastat Eestis elanud isikute, kohanemist uurima alates 2011. aastast, Eesti integratsiooni monitooringute raames, hiljem aga ka üksikute teiste uuringute raames. Kuigi integratsiooni monitooringud kajastavad peamisi kohanemisega seotud teemasid nagu keeleoskus, ühiskondlik aktiivsus ja tööturg, pole seni põhjalikult veel uuritud uussisserändajate kohanemist ajalises võrdluses. Kohanemise uurimine ajalises võrdluses annab aimu, kuidas toimub uussisserändajate kohanemine esimesetel sihtriigis viibitud aastatel. Siinses töös on uussisserändajate ajaperioodilise kohanemise uurimiseks eristatud esiteks psühholoogilist kohanemist, mille ajaperioodiline kulg toimub U-kõvera järgi ning teiseks sotsiokultuurilist kohanemist, mille ajaperioodiline kulg toimub ajas lineaarselt kasvades. Bakalaureusetöö andmete analüüsi aluseks oleva valimi moodustasid 2651 uussisserändajat, kes osalesid 2017. aasta Eesti integratsiooni monitooringu küsitluses. Tulemuste võrdlemiseks kõrvutati akadeemilises kirjanduses käsitletud kohanemise komponendid (rahulolu keskkonnaga, identiteet, enesehinnang, kohaliku keele oskus, suhtlus enamusgrupiga ja ühiskondlik aktiivsus) ja vastavad küsimused integratsiooni monitooringus. Analüüsi tulemusena selgus, et ajal on positiivne mõju sotsiokultuurilisele ja osaliselt ka psühholoogilisele kohanemisele. Samas ei kinnitanud, ega lükanud analüüs ümber psühholoogilise kohanemise U-kõvera mudelit, sest valimi tõttu polnud võimalik uurida psühholoogilise kohanemise algusperioodi.Item Venemaa kaasmaalaste poliitika mõju ulatuse hindamine Brubakeri kolmikneksuse teooria põhjal: Narva näide(Tartu Ülikool, 2012) Gering, Margus; Kaldur, Kristjan, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Sotsiaal- ja haridusteaduskond; Tartu Ülikool. Riigiteaduste instituutThe aim of this Bachelor’s thesis is to ascertain the influence of the Russian compatriots’ policy and the local Russian organisations on the residents of Narva (Estonia). Topicality of the issue arises from the common opinion in Estonia, according to which the so-called “fifth column” is influenced by Russian Federation. Following this, the main goal of this study is to examine the extent to which the so-called hypothetical “fifth column” is influenced by the Russian compatriots’ policy and the local Russian organisations, and how it could danger the Estonian internal security. This research could be considered as an original one because it combines earlier theoretical and empirical results of researches in conjunction with the effect of Russian organisations in Estonia, which has not been done previously. For reaching the goals of this research, in the first (theoretical) part of the research it was necessary to study the causes of the hypothetical “fifth column”. Secondly, the author of this research performed a comparative analysis of the Russian compatriots’ policy. On the one hand it describes the officially declared objectives but on the other hand it reflects on the opinions of academic researches and opinions of the Estonian Security Police. Then the research will focus on the analysis of various Russian organisations. In order to achieve all of the above-mentioned goals, the empirical part of the thesis analysed the results of a poll conducted among the residents of Narva. The analysis applied and combined both quantitative and qualitative methods. The quantitative research included an Internet-based poll and the qualitative research comprised of interviews with experts on the present topic. The whole research has been positioned into the “triadic nexus” theory by Rogers Brubaker. Due to the nature of the results of the theoretical and empirical parts, it was possible to place the results into the “triadic nexus” model which was further used to get answers to main question of research. Questions proceeding from the theoretical part of the research were answered by virtue of the empirical analysis. As to the main research question, the author claims that the Russian compatriots’ policy and the local Russian organisations have not had considerable impact on the Russian minority in Narva. The claim has been proved by two main factors. First of all, the poll analysis did not find disproportionable relations to the Russian compatriots’ policy nor the local Russian organisations. Secondly, the author’s claim has been confirmed by experts’ opinions who analyzed the results of poll. Despite there being no direct impact on the Russian minorities, it must be kept in mind that the citizens of Russian Federation and the non-citizenship holders are more sensitive to the Russian compatriots’ policy. However, it should be noted about this finding that the link to Russia does not have a political shade but rather that of national identity and cultural cohesion. In conclusion it can be said that the Russian minority in Narva does not serve a risk on Estonian internal security.