Browsing by Author "Milani, Fredrik Payman, juhendaja"
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Item A Blockchain Solution for Auditing of Timber-to-Charcoal Process(Tartu Ülikool, 2021) Zubair, Muhammad; Iqbal, Mubashar, juhendaja; Milani, Fredrik Payman, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Arvutiteaduse instituutBlockchain technology is emerging not only in cryptocurrencies like bitcoin and ethereum but also expanding in other business fields. Due to its diverse nature of architecture, it can easily integrate with such environments, e.g., permissioned or permissionless, state-full or stateless. This article mainly focuses on permissioned blockchain, the hyperledger fabric, how to implement it, and how to use it to automate the audit to the timber-tocharcoal business process. In order to accomplish this study, a design science approach is selected. In this thesis, a timber-to-charcoal case study is analyzed, designed the software architecture, developed the solution using hyperledger fabric, tested and evaluated it with defined evaluation criteria. The technology stack to develop the smart contract and web services to invoke the chaincode and access the ledger is NodeJs. The final evaluation shows that hyperledger fabric is a secure, fast, and decentralized immutable ledger. In conclusion, it is a suitable approach and benefits the audit to timber-to-charcoal business process.Item A Systematic Literature Review on Business Rule Modeling(Tartu Ülikool, 2020) Abubakar, Fodio Tureta; Maggi, Fabrizio Maria, juhendaja; Milani, Fredrik Payman, juhendaja; Sarini, Marcelo, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Arvutiteaduse instituutBusiness processes are constantly evolving and the ways in which processes are managed are also evolving. To keep track of, modify, and manage business processes, business owners are looking for ways to organize their business processes in a way that they are easy to manage. Beyond that, there is also the need to not just manage those processes but also to manage the rules upon which those processes are executed. The business rules that govern an organization's policies are, in most cases, written as documents within the organization’s files. To make it easier to choose alternative languages to model those rules that regulate business processes, this paper presents a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) on how business rules can be modeled. We looked at the different notations that can be used to model business rules. We also looked at how they can be incorporated within the business processes. We then provide a list of tools that help to model, verify, and execute business process models enhanced with business rules. To identify these characteristics, we conducted an SLR and built a framework for classifying existing notations to model business rules.Item Case Study: Blockchain and E-prescription Process(Tartu Ülikool, 2020) Liba, Martin Johannes; Milani, Fredrik Payman, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Arvutiteaduse instituutHealthcare is an industry that highly values security, privacy and accessibility of data between patients and healthcare service providers. Prescriptions are an important part of healthcare services that enable patients to get medicine required for their treatment. About a decade ago, prescriptions were mostly handwritten on paper, today most countries use some form of e-prescription systems. E-prescriptions solved many problems that paper prescriptions had, for example pharmacists correctly not understanding what is written on the prescription and dispensing wrong medicine. E-prescription systems still have problems like lack of interoperability between providers and data security and fragmentation issues. Blockchain is one of the new emerging technologies that enables to securely store data using shared ledger, communicate the data between participants of the blockchain network, perform computational tasks via smart contracts and manage assets. These characteristics have potential to impact healthcare sector including e-prescription process. The thesis investigates how Estonian e-prescription process could be redesigned using blockchain technology. For that a case study is conducted to examine the Estonian as-is state of the e-prescription process and propose redesign based on blockchain technology. During the case study, systematic literature review was conducted on the subject to discover blockchain based redesign opportunities. In addition, redesign heuristics were applied on the as-is model. The results of the case study showed that using blockchain as the underlying technology is possible in Estonian case, but it would no bring significant value compared to existing process and Estonia has solved issues that blockchain can improve using different technologies.Item Compliance by Design for Robo Advisors: A Case Study of SEB Robo Advisor(Tartu Ülikool, 2024) Moskalenko, Veronika; Milani, Fredrik Payman, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Arvutiteaduse instituutKäesolevas töös vaadeldakse kasutajakeskse disaini, regulatiivse vastavuse ja andmete privaatsuse lõikumist finantstehnoloogia sektoris, keskendudes SEB robonõustaja teekonna optimeerimisele vastavuse põhimõtete kaudu, kasutades juhtumiuuringu metoodikat, et uurida selle keerulise teemaga kaasnevaid väljakutseid ja võimalusi. SEB robonõustajate analüüs on eeskujuks laiematele haldusküsimustele ning selle eesmärk on tuletada praktilisi teadmisi teooriast ja praktikast. Narratiivipõhise analüüsi ja sidusrühmade kaasamise kaudu aitab projekt kaasa käimasolevale arutelule kasutajakeskse disaini üle finantstehnoloogias, mille eesmärk on parandada kasutajakogemust, tagades samal ajal õigusnormide täitmise.Item Digital Transformation and the Role of the Business Analyst(Tartu Ülikool, 2021) Joosepson, Alo; Milani, Fredrik Payman, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Arvutiteaduse instituutItem Digital Twin Technology for Financial Industry(Tartu Ülikool, 2023) Manafov, Matin; Milani, Fredrik Payman, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Arvutiteaduse instituutThe focus of this thesis is the potential use cases of digital twins in the financial sector. This study explores these use cases, their benefits, and the challenges of the adoption to identify the value and impact this technology can bring to the financial services industry. As a result of interviews and thematic analysis, six potential use cases of digital twins were identified as well as four benefits and 6 challenges of digital twin incorporation. The main contribution of this research is a framework that can help practitioners and researchers understand how digital twins can be utilized in the financial sector.Item Exploring How Digital Technologies Can Be Used to Im-prove Business Processes(Tartu Ülikool, 2020) Leego, Steven; Milani, Fredrik Payman, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Arvutiteaduse instituutThe world is becoming more and more digital. The use of digital technologies to improve business operations is becoming increasingly important and companies are interested in embarking on digital transformation journeys, but there is little research on how digital technologies can be used to bring business value. This paper aims to fill that gap and shed some light on what the capabilities of digital technologies are and how they enable process redesign. A systematic literature review is carried out to identify real-life use cases and extract information. This information is used to derive a list of digital technology capabilities. A framework is created by combining the capabilities with process redesign heuristics to ex-plain how digital technologies enable business process redesign.Item Exploring Prescriptive Process Mining and Visualisation(Tartu Ülikool, 2021) Bennett, Andrew James David; Nolte, Alexander, juhendaja; Milani, Fredrik Payman, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Arvutiteaduse instituutProcess mining is a modern field and fundamentally is involved with the analysis of event logs and the results subsequent to such an event log. Even newer is the inception of prescriptive process mining, whereby recommendations are derived via machine learning methods which originate from process mining logs. Visualising modern innovations in business and technology can be challenging to ensure that standards and users’ needs are met. Thus this thesis analyses the visualisations drawn from prescriptive process mining and how it may be possible to build a guideline in the format of a dashboard to support case workers with ongoing work utilising the power of prescriptive recommendations. This can provide a base design which can be used across a variety of industries or organisational settings to support case workers completing their day to day tasks while utilising the power of prescriptive recommendations derived from process mining.Item From Legacy to Microservices: A Case Study on Automatic Investment at LHV(Tartu Ülikool, 2023) Männik, Kert; Milani, Fredrik Payman, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Arvutiteaduse instituutMicroservices are a popular choice as an enterprise application architecture because they offer many benefits when compared to monolithic applications. Monolithic application is a good choice when an enterprise is small, but as the engineering department expands, the monolithic architecture drawbacks become even more visible. Then comes a moment when a monolithic application needs to be split to make use of the microservices architecture. This study is a case study in a large banking enterprise where a part of monolithic application was migrated to a microservice.Item GDPR and Blockchain Solutions(Tartu Ülikool, 2020) Pavlenkova, Ilona; Milani, Fredrik Payman, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Arvutiteaduse instituutWithin the last years, there has been an increased attention for the development of Blockchain technologies and solutions. Blockchain represents one of the major headways’ technologies of the past decade, giving large groups of people and companies a possibility to reach agreement on record information without a central authority. Partially this can be achieved because data once stored on a Blockchain is immutable. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) was developed in the European Union (EU) with the aim to standardize the privacy regulations across Europe and introduce the changes on how the personal data should be processed. The GDPR consists of a series of articles and chapters that require, among other things, provision a consent to collect and store data, identification of data controller, provision of encryption, and anonymization of data. This thesis explores the connection between Blockchain and GDPR. In particular, the thesis presents a decision framework that can help developers and decision-makers in their design of the GDPR-compliant blockchain projects. The framework, presented in the thesis, is developed based on Systematic Literature Review of existing studies on the interplay of technology and regulation. The provided findings will help the Blockchain development teams to consider the GDPR-related factors when designing and implementing the blockchain projects.Item How AI is used in Digital Marketing(Tartu Ülikool, 2021) Golubovic, Danijel; Milani, Fredrik Payman, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Arvutiteaduse instituutThere is a recognized need for Artificial Intelligence and Digital Marketing, and their popularity has been noticed in the past decade. Companies have raised significant interest in the development of AI implementation in Digital Marketing. Furthermore, they strive to explore which Artificial Intelligence algorithms are the most effective within Marketing strategy. In addition to this, big data become a central figure of investment toward data-driven decisions in companies. This is due to empirical findings of how the company's users behave, their actions, and how to boost revenue by processing such data. If we take into consideration how worldwide, multinational companies are putting tremendous resources into R&D departments to go ahead of the competition in terms of AI-powered Digital Marketing, it can be said that traditional advertising will be replaced in full capacity by 'intelligent' Digital Marketing campaigns. Thus, this study investigates which AI approaches are applicable in Digital Marketing, which Digital Marketing aspects are most flexible to be under AI impact and how AI can shape the Digital Marketing process to evolve as a better version of itself. The outcome of this thesis can be a good base for further research about combin-ing Digital Marketing and AI, and also it can contribute to other persons of interest in the profes-sional sense.Item Improving Agile Processes with Customized Mission-based Practices. Case Study(Tartu Ülikool, 2020) Lashkevich, Kiryl; Milani, Fredrik Payman, juhendaja; Scott, Mario Ezequiel, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Arvutiteaduse instituutThere is no silver bullet when it comes to software development approaches, methodologies and practices, since every IT business is unique. Selecting a suitable software development model is one of the recipes for effective IT company functioning and growth. However, quite often in order to keep up with company scaling the initially chosen model has to be revisited. In this paper, a case study about a new Agile software development framework adoption for scaling engineering at Pipedrive will be presented. The main research goal is to find out what the impact of such software development process redesign is.Item LLM-based Interface for Data-Driven Waiting Time Analysis of Business Processes(Tartu Ülikool, 2024) Avramenko, Maksym; Milani, Fredrik Payman, juhendaja; Lashkevich, Katsiaryna, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Arvutiteaduse instituutHiljutised edusammud andmeteaduse ja äriprotsesside juhtimise ristumiskohas paiknevas protsessikaeve valdkonnas on avanud märkimisväärse potentsiaali äriprotsesside analüüsimisel, seda eriti tegevuste vahele jäävate ooteaegade analüüsimisel, eesmärgiga tuvastada võimalikke kitsaskohti ja ebatõhususi. See lõputöö käsitleb olemasolevate protsessikaeve tööriistade ühte tüüpilist piirangut: andmeanalüüsi fikseeritud kasutusliidesed, mis piiravad andmete dünaamilist käsitlemist ja kasutajakeskset protsessianalüüsi. Lisaks takistavad fikseeritud kasutusliidesed sageli ka protsessi spetsiifikale vastavate arusaamade teket ja analüüside kohandamist vastavalt äritegevuse muutuvatele vajadustele. Selle probleemi lahendamiseks integreerib käesolev lõputöö suurel keelemudelil põhineva vestlusliidese konkreetse protsessikaeve tööriistaga, eesmärgiga soodustada interaktiivset andmetöötlust, võimaldada isikupärastatud vastuseid, ja pakkuda rakendatavaid soovitusi ooteaegade vähendamiseks. Need eesmärgid seonduvad ühtlasi ka teiste hiljutiste uuringutega, milledes rakendatakse suuri keelemudeleid protsessikaeve tööriistades, et võimendada tulemuste käsitlemist ja tõlgendamist. Käesoleva lõputöö peamine panus on suurel keelemudelil põhineva vestlusliidese kavandamine, rakendamine ja hindamine protsessikaeve tööriistas, mis peaks seeläbi võimaldama andmete interaktiivset navigeerimist ning lisaks pakkuma protsessi sündmuslogile tuginevat teavet selle kohta kuidas protsessi ooteaegu ümberkujundamise soovituste abil vähendada.Item Persuasive Visual Presentation of Prescriptive Business Processes(Tartu Ülikool, 2022) Leemets, Janna-Liina; Milani, Fredrik Payman, juhendaja; Nolte, Alexander Udo, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Arvutiteaduse instituutOrganizations create data through business processes, which can be utilised to build prescrip-tive systems. A prescriptive business process prescribes the process worker a recommendation of either actions to take or resources to use. However, a worker may choose to follow their knowledge or intuition instead of trusting the given prescription. Therefore, to make the pre-scriptions acceptable for the worker, they must be visually presented in a persuasive way. This thesis addresses the research question of how to visually present prescriptive business pro-cesses persuasively in order to optimise process outcomes and efficiency. The contribution of this thesis is a set of persuasive principles to guide the visual presentation design of prescriptive business processes. These principles combine existing persuasion and visualisation literature. The results of this thesis can be useful to those who design and develop prescriptive business processes as they can make prescriptive systems more useful, easy to use and trustworthy for process workers.Item The Internet of Things in the Financial Industry(Tartu Ülikool, 2023) Ahmadova, Narmin; Milani, Fredrik Payman, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Arvutiteaduse instituutTehnoloogia arenguga kaasneb innovatsioon, mille tulemusena võetakse kasutusse uuenduslikke lahendusi ja tehnoloogiaid. Minu uurimusvaldkonnaks sai asjade internet. Paljud erinevad tööstused on arendanud ja integreerinud asjade interneti oma tööprotseduuri. Samas finantssektor on selles vallas vähem uuenduslik olnud. See lõputöö põhineb kuuel põhilsel küsimusel, eesmärgiga mõista, kuidas finantssektor saab asjade internetti effektiivsemalt kasutada. Uurimuses on kasutatud kirjanduslikke allikaid ja intervjueerimist. Materjali on analüüsitud ja täpsustatud vastavalt teema kontseptuaalsele raamistikule. Lõputöö annab märkimisväärse panuse asjade interneti erinevate kasutsjuhtude kategoriseerimisse. Täpsustades asjade interneti rakenduste kasutamist finantsvaldkonnas. Lisaks toob see paremini välja IoT-tehnoloogia juurutamise eeldused ja võimalused. Raamistik kirjeldab seejuures iga kasutusjuhtumi mõju ja väärtust ning selle uue tehnoloogia laialdase integreerimisega seotud väljakutseid, ajakava kuid ka takistusi.Item The Metaverse in the Financial Sector(Tartu Ülikool, 2023) Halas, Yana; Milani, Fredrik Payman, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Arvutiteaduse instituutEmerging technologies have the potential to disrupt industries. With the rise of new technology, often established business models face changes, and completely new business models appear. Recently, the Metaverse has been seen as one of the emerging technologies. Many sectors started to explore the Metaverse opportunities, and the financial industry is one of them. In light of this context, the thesis addresses five research questions centered around one essential research objective: how the financial sector benefits from the Metaverse. In order to answer this question, data was gathered from the literature review and the interviews with the experts. The obtained data was cleaned, analyzed, and structured into the framework. Thus, the contribution of this thesis is a Metaverse framework. The framework categorizes use cases of the Metaverse for the financial sector. It also provides information on the value each category of use cases brings to financial institutions and their customers. Additionally, the framework includes information about Metaverse's impact on the financial sector, challenges, and timeframes of mass adoption of the new technology.Item Visualising Prescriptive Process Monitoring Output(Tartu Ülikool, 2023) Botchorishvili, Lana; Milani, Fredrik Payman, juhendaja; Nolte, Alexander Udo, juhendaja; Kubrak, Kateryna, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Arvutiteaduse instituutThe emergence of process mining in business process management has given way to developing algorithms that predict future processes based on historical event logs to improve operational efficiency. Further improvements have followed in the form of real-time prescriptive process monitoring tools, which identify volatile process instances and suggest interventions for upcoming activities to prevent risky execution. One of the main challenges of this practice is communicating interventions to end users in a clear and concise manner. This research was conducted to develop a real-time application that visualises available interventions and their impact on a process instance. The tool helps support process analysts in identifying activities that improve a KPI or circumvent a sub-optimal outcome in a process. A resulting artefact is a form of an operational dashboard - Kairos - that visualises prescriptive process monitoring output.Item Visualizing Business Process Improvements(Tartu Ülikool, 2021) Kubrak, Kateryna; Milani, Fredrik Payman, juhendaja; Nolte, Alexander Udo, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Arvutiteaduse instituutOrganizations have sets of business processes through which they produce value. To maintain high efficiency and better quality of services provided to their customers, organizations must constantly seek to improve their processes. While datadriven methods, such as process mining, can be used to analyze business processes and to identify improvement opportunities, process analysts take the specific decisions as to which changes to implement. To select which process changes to implement, the analysts need to understand the impact these changes would have on the process performance. Analysts often use process visualizations as part of their decision process to assess and determine which changes to pursue. Therefore, this thesis addresses the research question of how process improvement opportunities identified from event logs can be visualized to support the decision-making process of analysts. Thus, the contribution of this thesis is a set of guidelines to visualize process mining outputs for identifying improvement opportunities. This contribution is useful to those involved in the improvement of business processes. They benefit from this contribution as such visualizations of process changes support their decision-making and their communication with stakeholders.