Elamustejanu küsimustiku psühhomeetrilised omadused ja toimimise soolised ning ealised iseärasused


2012-03-15, 2012

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Tartu Ülikool
Tartu Ülikool


The aim of the present seminar thesis was to analyze the data collected using Sensation Seeking questionnaire replicated in Estonian [Original: Hammelstein, Roth & Brähler (2007) The Inventory of Sensation seeking (NISS)] and to adapt it. The psychometric properties of the questionnaire were examined by exploratory factor analysis; the coefficient of reliability (Cronbach alpha) was calculated and re-testing validity of the questionnaire was examined. Sample was formed from pupils and students aged 11-52 years (N= 528). According to the results of factor analysis four out of eleven initial items loaded into Sensation Seeking factor. The differences in the extent of Sensation Seeking measure within different sex and age groups were studied. Used age groups were: I 11-13; II 14-16; III 17-19 and IV ≥ 20 years. Between sex and age groups some tendencies in differences were found: girls scored earlier and higher than boys in Sensation Seeking, whilst men during their adulthood scored higher in comparison to women. Tendencies found did not reach statistical significants. In addition, 12 items of the Sensation Seeking subscale taken from Impulsivity scale UPPS-P (Whiteside and Lynam, 2001; Cyders et al, 2007) were replicated in Estonian and used on (N=155) subjects together with the SS 4-items described above. As a result, twofactor Sensation Seeking scale consisting of eight items was created. The resulted Sensation Seeking scale scores were correlated with EPIP-NEO (Mõttus Pullmann, Allik, 2006) personality dimensions and positive correlations with all Extraversion facets were achieved.



avantüristid, psühhomeetria, soolised erinevused, ealised iseärasused
