Kommunikatsioonile orienteeritud projektijuhtimise lahendus
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Hajusa tarkvaraarenduse populaarsuse kiire kasv muudab tarkvaraloomeprotsessi kohanemisvõimelisemaks ja paindlikumaks inimressursside osas. Selleks, et hajusat loomeprotsessi toetada, tekib kliendi, meeskonna liikmete ja projektijuhi vahel lisakoorem kommunikatsiooni näol.
Kaasaegse tarkvaraarenduse praktikas eksisteerib hulk nutikaid ja mugavaid tööriistu, mis aitavad muuta kommunikatsiooni mugavamaks ja ladusamaks. Kahjuks need riistad ei tegele mitme kommunikatsioonivahendi integratsiooniga ühtseks töötavaks süsteemiks.
Töö eesmärgiks on pakkuda kirjeldatud probleemile lahendus. Töös kirjeldatakse loodud koostöötamise tarkvara, mis on mõeldud toetama hajusat tarkvaraarendust ning mille eesmärgid on erinevate kommunikatsioonivahendite andmete integratsioon ja tarkvaraarenduse projektiga seotud analüütilise informatsiooni pakkumine.
Growth of popularity of distributed software development makes development process more adaptive and flexible in terms of human resources. But in order to sustain the process there is an additional burden put on the communication between customer, team members and project managers. In the contemporary software development practice there exists a number of smart and handy tools, which help making the communication more fluent and convenient. However none of those tools tackle a problem of integrating multiple communicational sources into a single tool. This paper intends to present a solution to this problem by introducing a collaboration tool for distributed software development. The collaboration tool will be oriented on integra- tion of multiple communication sources and provide analytical information on software development project.
Growth of popularity of distributed software development makes development process more adaptive and flexible in terms of human resources. But in order to sustain the process there is an additional burden put on the communication between customer, team members and project managers. In the contemporary software development practice there exists a number of smart and handy tools, which help making the communication more fluent and convenient. However none of those tools tackle a problem of integrating multiple communicational sources into a single tool. This paper intends to present a solution to this problem by introducing a collaboration tool for distributed software development. The collaboration tool will be oriented on integra- tion of multiple communication sources and provide analytical information on software development project.