Browsing by Author "Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, Pille, juhendaja"
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Item 45–60-aastaste internetikasutajate kasutuspraktika – kogemused, vajadused ja võimalused. Süvaintervjuud think-aloud meetodil(Tartu Ülikool, 2008) Kruusvall, Peeter; Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, Pille, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Sotsiaalteaduskond; Tartu Ülikool. Ajakirjanduse ja kommunikatsiooni instituutItem Academic Library E-service Quality and Working User: Conceptual Model(2016-09-07) Einasto, Olga; Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, Pille, juhendaja; Lauristin, Marju, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Sotsiaalteaduste valdkond.Doktoritöös on välja pakutud kaasaegse ülikooliraamatukogu e-teenuse kvaliteedi kontseptuaalne mudel ja analüüsitud kasutaja osaluse mõju e-teenuse protsessile ja tulemusele. Töös on rakendatud nii kvalitatiivset kui kvantitatiivset meetodeid, empiiriline materjal on kogutud TÜ Raamatukogust. Väitekiri põhineb neljal omavahel seotud uuringul, mis keskenduvad nii raamatukogu teenuse kvaliteedi kui raamatukogu kommunikatsiooni ning selle transformeerumise küsimustele. Töös jõutakse järeldusele, et traditsiooniliselt põhines raamatukogu kommunikatsioon kasutajatega võimusuhetel, mis väljendusid nii teadmiste kui kasutajate distsiplineerimises, ekspertiisis ja taksonoomias. Need võimusuhted ei ole kadunud ka täna, kui nad muutuvad infoühiskonna mõjul – seda transformatsiooni nimetatakse töös kommunikatiivseks pöördeks. Koos teenuste kandumisega veebikeskkonda tõuseb iseteeninduse määr ja kasutaja roll. Seega on töö aluseks võetud teoreetiline eeldus, et ülikooliraamatukogu e-teenuste kvaliteedi kontseptualiseerimisel on oluline arvesse võtta kasutaja osalust ja mõista, kuidas see võib mõjutada teenuse tulemust. Siit tulenevalt juurutab käesolev doktoritöö raamatukogumaastikul nn „töötava kasutaja“ (working user) kontseptsiooni. Töötav kasutaja, kes eduka e-teenuse tulemuse nimel paneb tööle teatud intensiivsusega oma kognitiivse ja emotsionaalse potentsiaali, on uus fenomen ülikooliraamatukogudes. Töös rõhutatakse, et ülikooliraamatukogud on edukalt teostanud info- ja digipöörde, kuid kommunikatiivne pööre on veel kujunemas – kuigi kasutajaid kaasatakse aktiivselt iseteeninduse protsessidesse, pole raamatukogud veel valmis loobuma oma rigiidsetest taksonoomilistest süsteemidest ning delegeerima kasutajatele kontrolli süsteemi üle, pakkudes selleks vastavaid e-teenuseid. Töös tuuakse välja, et ühelt poolt tagab see teenuse kvaliteedi, kuid teiselt poolt võib siin näha raamatukogusüsteemi püüet kindlustada sellisel implitsiitsel viisil oma võimu teadmiste ja kasutajate üle.Item Ajakirja The Cheers arendusprojekt(Tartu Ülikool, 2005) Einfeldt, Siim; Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, Pille, juhendajaItem Asjaajamise tulemuslikkuse hindamine: organisatsiooni vajadused ja dokumendihaldussüsteemi võimalused(Tartu Ülikool, 2014) Palu, Tiina; Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, Pille, juhendaja; Berendsen, Veiko, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Sotsiaal- ja haridusteaduskond; Tartu Ülikool. Ühiskonnateaduste instituutMagistritöö eesmärgiks oli moodustada asjaajamise tegevusest mudel, mis oleks aluseks tulemusindikaatorite väljatöötamisel. Asjaajamise efektiivsuse hindamine ning tulemusindikaatorid ei ole Eesti organisatsioonides üheselt arusaadavad. Efektiivsuse näitajate olemasolust arusaamiseks viisin läbi kvalitatiivse uuringu, milleks oli poolstruktureeritud intervjuu. Peamiseks eesmärgiks oli leida intervjuu käigus organisatsioonides enam levinud probleemid efektiivsuse hindamisel ning senise praktika põhjal hinnata võimalikke asjaajamise efektiivsuse kasvu mõõtmisvõimalusi. Organisatsioonide esindajaid intervjueerisin märtsis 2014. Tulemusteks olid väga erinevad vaated efektiivsuse hindamisele ning senisele praktikale, mis oli liialt ühekülgsed ning mitte tulemustele orienteeritud. Nende mõõtmistulemuste põhjal ei ole võimalik efektiivsusele tõetruud hinnangut saada. Kvantitatiivse uuringu läbiviimiseks teostasin andmeanalüüsi kahele uuringus osalenud organisatsioonile. Andmed on võetud dokumendihaldussüsteemide aruande keskkonnast ning nende andmete liigitus jagunes kaheks: a) dokumendid, b) tööülesanded. Andmete sisestusperioodiks oli 01.01.2013-31.03.2014. Andmete analüüsi põhjal tahtsin saada näitajad, mille järgi oleks võimalik hinnata efektiivsust. Kuna varasemad uuringud puuduvad ning pole ka samasisulisi teaduslikke vaatenurki, oli vajalik leida valemid, mis annaksid vaadeldavaid tulemusi. Uuringute tulemusel valmis mudel, mille koostamisel võtsin aluseks juhtimisteooria BSC mudeli. BSC mudel ja selle rakendamispõhimõtted haakuvad asjaajamisvaldkonnaga ning seetõttu pean seda mudelit sobivaks. Mudeli järgi on võimalik lisada tulemusindikaatorid ning nende arvutamismeetodid. Riiklikule organisatsioonile, kes teostab avaliku sektori asutuste andmete kogumist ning analüüsi soovitan välja töötada asjaajamise mõõtmiseks indikaatorid, mille järgi saaks efektiivsust hinnata.Item Avalik diplomaatia välisministeeriumi kommunikatsioonis(Tartu Ülikool, 2011) Karmin, Maarja; Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, Pille, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Sotsiaal- ja haridusteaduskond; Tartu Ülikool. Ajakirjanduse ja kommunikatsiooni instituutKeywords: Public Diplomacy, Public Diplomacy 2.0, One track diplomacy, Two Track Diplomacy, Public Relations, Propaganda, National Branding, Wikileaks, Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, External Communication, Social Networks, web 2.0 The aim of this Bachelor thesis is to investigate potential intersections between public diplomacy and the communication activities of Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Theoretical part of this current paper is divided into several different parts: the definition of the term „public dipolmacy“ is defined in the first part, as in the second part it is compared to propaganda, public relations and national branding. Third part is centered on the public diplomacy 2.0 and Wikileaks, which has direct effects on diplomacy and its’ openness. The paper’s theoretical part draws mostly on the works of Eytan Gilboa, Jacquie L'Etang, Denis McQuail and Joseph Nye. In purpose to answer the research questions I carried out four interviews with the employees of the Public Diplomacy Department of Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and an interview with the charge d’affaires in Afghanistan. The interviews were constructed by the semistructured interview scheme which is suitable for finding causations and explanations. To analyse the collected material I used cross-case method: the pieces from various interviews from the sections relating to specific topics were discussed. The results showed that the main purpose of the external communications of the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs is to promote Estonia and it’s foreign policy, create and maintain Estonia’s good reputation which is achieved in collaboration between the headquarter and the ambassadors in current countries. Public diplomacy was mostly defined in contrast with traditional diplomacy. The employees agreed on the point that the communication activities of the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs have intersections with public diplomacy because it was believed that public diplomacy itself is communication. Opinions on Wikileaks were controversial. It was considered that diplomacy can never be done with completely opened doors, but it was also believed that Wikileaks has a positive 68 impact on public diplomacy, as citizens become more positively involved in different (communicational) actions. The Ministry has successfully integrated public diplomacy 2.0 into their everyday work as it fulfills the objective of reaching wider audiences and bringing diplomacy and the work of diplomat’s closer to citizens. The Ministry has also blogs, which reflects the daily life and doings of diplomats. 2.0 channels doesn’t change the content of the messages but it provides greater opportunities for bilateral interactions. Overall the external communication purposes of Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs have strong intersections with public diplomacy in terms of creating and holding the country’s reputation and using different activities of public diplomacy. Cultural diplomacy is a part of public diplomacy which is considered to have long-term positive impact on communication activities.Item Barjäärid Interneti kasutajaks hakkamisel 45−60-aastaste meeste näitel(Tartu Ülikool, 2007) Päädam, Peep; Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, Pille, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Sotsiaalteaduskond; Tartu Ülikool. Ajakirjanduse ja kommunikatsiooni osakondItem Conceptualizing Engagement Modes: Understanding Museum–Audience Relationships in Latvian Museums(2016-02-16) Lotina, Linda; Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, Pille, juhendaja; Runnel, Pille, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Sotsiaalteaduste valdkond.Doktoritööl “Kaasamisviise kontseptualiseerides: mõtestades muuseumi-auditooriumi suhet Läti muuseumides” on kaks põhilist eesmärki. Töö empiirilise osa eesmärgiks on uurida, kuidas muuseumid mõistavad auditooriumide kaasamist ja kuidas nad suhtlevad aktiivsete auditooriumidega. Töö laiem, teoreetiline eesmärk on tutvustada uut muuseumiauditooriumide kaasamise kontseptsiooni. Töö põhineb neljal omavahel seotud uuringul, mis käsitlevad Läti muuseumides kohapeal ja online-keskkonnas suhtlevate auditooriumide suhet muuseumidega. Doktoritöö aluspõhimõte on muuseumi käsitlemine demokraatliku institutsioonina. Uuringute andmed on pärit intervjuudest, mis on tehtud Läti muuseumitöötajatega ja –külastajatega, ning sotsiaalmeedia sisuanalüüsist. Andmeid on analüüsitud kvalitatiivseid sisuanalüüsi vahendeid kasutades ja põhistatud teooria raamistikus. Lisaks Läti muuseumides toimuvate kaasamistegevuste analüüsile, arendab doktoritöö välja ka auditooriumide kaasamisviiside kontseptuaalse mudeli. Töös tuuakse välja Läti muuseumide kaasamisprotsesse mõjutavad sisemised ja välimised tegurid. Töös jõutakse järeldusele, et iga muuseumi unikaalne olukord ei toeta normatiivset lähenemist standardiseeritud kaasamisviiside võttestikule. Doktoritöö tulemusena rõhutatakse, et muuseumis kohapeal ja võrgukeskkonnas kasutatavate kaasamisviiside tasakaalustatud võttestik, milles on esitatud erinevaid auditooriumide tegevuste ja võimu jagamise viise, on kontekstitundlik ja oluline demokraatiat edendav abivahend.Item Cross-media in public service broadcasting: the struggle between producers and audiences(2018-10-29) Nanì, Alessandro; Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, Pille, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Sotsiaalteaduste valdkondTänapäevane meediamaastik, mis hõlmab arvukalt nii traditsioonilisi kui uusi audiovisuaalide tootjaid, ajendab ühest küljest ringhäälinguorganisatsioone uurima televisiooni ja interneti ning teatud juhtudel ka muu meedia vahelise sünergia poolt pakutavaid võimalusi ning teisalt kujutab see endast võimalusterohket väljakutset meediasõnumite tõlgendamiseks auditooriumide poolt. Käesoleva väitekirja eesmärk on vaadelda, kuidas tootjad auditooriume kontseptualiseerivad, uurida erinevusi ja sarnasusi oodatavate meediaüleste tekstide tõlgendamises ideaalse publiku poolt ja selliste meediaproduktsioonide võimalikku ühtlustamist tegeliku auditooriumi poolt. Töö ülesandeks meedia muutuvas olukorras on kujutada suhet Soome ja Eesti avaliku meedia tootjate ning auditooriumide vahel kindlal ajaperioodil – täpsemalt aastatel 2016-2017. I, II, III ja IV uurimuse kombineeritud tulemused annavad üldpildi, mille kokkuvõte on järgnev: • avalikõiguslikud ringhäälinguorganisatsioonid püüavad luua avalikku väärtust, kaldudes ristmeedia poole. Nende eesmärgiks on reageerida killustuva auditooriumi probleemile ja sellest tulenevale väljakutsele säilitada oma roll ühiskonnas; • ristmeedia produktsioonipraktikale ülemineku potentsiaalset mõju ohustavad produtsentide uskumused ja meediavastuoluline vastuvõtt auditooriumide poolt; • produtsendid asetavad status quo säilitamise ristmeedia pakutavate võimaluste ära kasutamisest kõrgemale, sest ristmeedia poolt pakutavat auditooriumide osalust peetakse ohuks kvaliteedile ja vastutusele; • produtsendid kujundavad kujuteldava auditooriumi lähtudes iseendist, oma eelarvamustest ja ettekujutusest; • avalikõiguslik meedia, mille eesmärgiks on avaliku väärtuse loomine, võib kaasavaid ristmeedia võimalusi kasutades sattuda vastuollu eetiliste juhtnööridega; • auditooriumide valmisolekut olla tekstidesse aktiivselt kaasatud ei reguleeri mitte ainult meediumi ja tekstide lubatavused, vaid see, kuidas neid lubatavusi tajutakse.Item E-õppe kasutamispraktikad Tartu Ülikoolis sotsiaalteaduskonna näitel(Tartu Ülikool, 2008) Kivisaar, Katrin; Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, Pille, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Sotsiaalteaduskond; Tartu Ülikool. Ajakirjanduse ja kommunikatsiooni instituutItem E-turunduse kursuse õppematerjal magistrantidele(Tartu Ülikool, 2010) Tammert, Triin; Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, Pille, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Sotsiaalteaduskond; Tartu Ülikool. Ajakirjanduse ja kommunikatsiooni instituutItem E-valimistest osavõtmise tegurid ja kogemus. E-valijate võrdlev analüüs 2005. aasta kohalike valimiste ja 2007. aasta Riigikogu valimiste põhjal(Tartu Ülikool, 2007) Vassil, Kristjan; Lauristin, Marju, juhendaja; Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, Pille, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Sotsiaalteaduskond; Tartu Ülikool. Ajakirjanduse ja kommunikatsiooni osakondItem Eesti ettevõtteblogide kirjutamise viisid, sihtrühmad ja põhjused(Tartu Ülikool, 2008) Visnapuu, Triin; Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, Pille, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Sotsiaalteaduskond; Tartu Ülikool. Ajakirjanduse ja kommunikatsiooni instituutItem Eesti noorte hoiakud internetipiraatluse suhtes(Tartu Ülikool, 2011) Teder, Annika; Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, Pille, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Sotsiaal- ja haridusteaduskond; Tartu Ülikool. Ajakirjanduse ja kommunikatsiooni instituutInternet piracy is an illegal activity that has become commonplace all over the world despite its discordance with the current legislation and business models. Some authors suggest that Internet piracy is much more than just an economic problem and has become a social phenomenon with it’s own set of rules, principles and ideals (Altschuller & Benbunnan-Fich 2009). In any case, a practice so widespread can not be ignored nor abolished easily, which is why it needs to be understood and researched in order to bridge the gap between how things are and how they should be according to the law. As no comprehensive research on the topic of Internet piracy has ever been carried out in Estonia, the current study serves to make the first step to explore the significance of piracy for Estonians. A standardized questionnaire was conducted to study young peoples attitudes towards internet piracy. Questions about ethical considerations and Internet piracy related social norms were also included in the study. The questionnaire was distributed mainly in Facebook and the final sample consisted of 882 Estonian men and women between the ages of 15 and 30. The results indicate that Internet piracy is an extremely widespread practice among the sample and more than half of those questioned consider it a habit. Most young people in the sample associate Internet piracy with positive effects as they see it benefitting the society as a whole through dissemination of culture and by helping starting artists gain popularity. Economic losses are associated mainly with the anonymous industry and shops and somewhat less with well-known rich artists. The results also indicate that subjects try to direct the possible guilt as far from themselves as possible with stating that their own pirating does not produce any direct harm to anyone. Most subjects associate Internet piracy with positive emotsions and correlation analysis suggests that the stronger the positive emotions the more often the subjects tend to pirate. As a general rule the subjects did not have any fears when pirating digital media, which was expected as no-one has ever been prosecuted for illegal downloading in Estonia. In the legal point of view the risks of getting caught are extremely low, but it also turns out that for the subjects the social risks are as low as the legal risks. Most subjects believe that Internet piracy is accepted by their friends and acquaintances and only a few admitted to ever having been told off by their friends for pirating. Taking all this into consideration, it’s not surprising that most subjects deem Internat piracy acceptable and feel no remorse while practicing it. Although 91% of the subjects pirate regularly, still a fourth of the sample considers piracy to be ethically wrong. Therefore it appears that there are some considerations that make people go against what they think is wrong. All in all, the current study suggests that Internet piracy is a normative behaviour among the sample and that it’s strongly associated with positive effects and emotions. As the risk on getting caught while pirating is so low and the possible harm is not in view, the subjects do not consider their pirating as a problem.Item Eesti online mängijad World of Warcrafti näitel(Tartu Ülikool, 2007) Seeman, Piret; Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, Pille, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Sotsiaalteaduskond; Tartu Ülikool. Ajakirjanduse ja kommunikatsiooni osakondItem eKooli kasutuspraktikad: koolijuhtide, õpetajate, õpilaste ja lapsevanemate vaatenurk(Tartu Ülikool, 2008) Puskar, Brit; Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, Pille, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Sotsiaalteaduskond; Tartu Ülikool. Ajakirjanduse ja kommunikatsiooni instituutItem Ettevõtteblogid Eestis(Tartu Ülikool, 2007) Kirst, Kadri; Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, Pille, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Sotsiaalteaduskond; Tartu Ülikool. Ajakirjanduse ja kommunikatsiooni osakondItem Facebook ajakirjandusliku funktsiooni täitjana päevalehtede toimetajate arvates(Tartu Ülikool, 2011) Kõrgesaar, Grete; Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, Pille, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Sotsiaal- ja haridusteaduskond; Tartu Ülikool. Ajakirjanduse ja kommunikatsiooni instituutThe aim of this thesis was to find out why Estonian dailies have chosen to enter Facebook. Moreover it aims to understand how they perceive their role and activities in Facebook and to what extent they relate them to the traditional roles of journalism. What is more, this thesis reseaches what principles the dailies have set for themselves in Facebook, what their aims are and with whom they communicate. Seven interviews with the editors of the dailies Eesti Päevaleht, Postimees and Õhtuleht were conducted. Throughout the thesis the answers of the interviewees were compared to each other and to the theoretical knowledge. The interviews revealed that the dailies perceive the roles of journalism as complex bundles of instructions and tasks. Furthermore, intuition plays a much more important role than fixed rules. The responsibilities of journalism evolve in time and adapt with the development of technologies. Still, all the different roles of journalism should be considered equally. The interviews also revealed an opinion that the completion of different tasks may be divided between different channels of communication of the same newspaper. While in general, the opion of the interviewees about the traditional roles of journalism coincided with theoretical knowledge, another important responsibility was mentioned – improving the cohesion of the society. On the other hand, no conflict between offering the audience the information that they like and the information that they need was detected. Still, the role of Facebook as primarily a journalistic executor was not detected. The dailies have not considered the channel as a means of completing their journalistic roles and functions, but on the other hand, do think that attracting a large number of readers serves for such purpose. The dailies entered Facebook when they understood that Facebook was becoming a primary source of information for people. Wanting to be modern and where the people are and being afraid of losing its position as a primary news provider, the dailies decided to follow the example of many enterprises before them. At first it was perceived only as marketing and the responsibilities of journalism were not consiously taken into account. Now, the newspapers concentrate on providing information and articles of quality and also wish to strengthen their brand, find new readers but keep the old by communicating with them. Furthermore, they sense the opportunity of legitimizing and improving the reputation of their online-newspaper. Nevertheless, newspapers rather test the cannel than create and execute real strategies. They wish to achieve a number of goals, but are not quite sure how to get there. Moreover, the interviewees thought that they cannot be limited with a narrow target group in Facebook and prefer to offer something for everyone. On the other hand, the problem, whether it is posible to attract new readers in great numbers and provide traditional values to the already loyal ones, was recognized. The interviewees also admitted that newspapers should communicate more interactively with their readers on Facebook, but said that at the moment there is not enough resources or it has not been thought through properly. They also mentioned a number of results that are being measured but do not put too much importance on them or on what they could mean. One of the reasons for that is the insecurity about the future of Facebook. The newspapers are afraid that Facebook will suffer an abrupt downfall that cannot be predicted and a new solution will take its place. That is why they prefer to act cautiously and follow the example of the others rather than experiment freely and creatively. But creativity, transparency and thinking everything through thoroughly could be the necessary traits that would help the newspapers get to the next level in Facebook communication. The potential has been spotted by everyone, now it would be the time to overcome the fears for the future and put more thought behind the actions. Also, the dailies should try to look at the matter from the perspective of the reader – what does he want? What does he need? Only this way is it posible to get the readers that are already fans to be as loyal as it is needed, so that even when Facebook does become the thing of the past and a new medium takes its place, the readers look up their favourite news provider to continue following it in another medium or page. This will be the case only if the newspaper is already perceived and trusted as a reliable news provider that has proved that it can adapt efficently to new technologies without losing its core values, proffessionalism and attractiveness.Item Facebook Eesti ettevõtete kommunikatsioonivahendina : ettevõtete sisu kontentanalüüs(Tartu Ülikool, 2010) Aasrand, Jaanika; Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, Pille, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Sotsiaal- ja haridusteaduskond; Tartu Ülikool. Ajakirjanduse ja kommunikatsiooni instituutItem Facebooki kasutuspraktikad ja kasutajate motivatsioon fännilehtedega liitumisel(Tartu Ülikool, 2011) Liiv, Liina; Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, Pille, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Sotsiaal- ja haridusteaduskond; Tartu Ülikool. Ajakirjanduse ja kommunikatsiooni instituutPrevious researches of social media have focused on businesses, their motivations to enter the social network, strategies and the content they have created. As previous researches have approached the subject from different aspects, and neglected the users angle, then this research focuses on the motivations of the users of Facebook. My research has four main directions - the general usage tendencies of Facebook users, the motivation to join the fan-pages of organisations and companies, the motives to operate on fan-pages and the presumable effect on the consumption in real life. Questions I tried to answer were: Which are the general usage tendencies of Facebook users? What are the reasons for users to monitor the Facebook fan-pages of various businesses? What motivates users to operate on the fan pages of businesses? Do people think that their activity in social media affects also the real consumption? At the first part of my research I give the overview of online-social networks, the essence and usage practices of Facebook, the Facebook users and their motivations. Moreover, I also give the overview of Facebook as marketing channel and the aims of businesses while relying on Weber, Boyd, Ellison, Lamp, Kaplan, Haenlein, Knidinger, Steinfield and Vorvorenau. To gather the empirical material, I carried out 13 personal-interview surveys. Those 13 Facebook users were found with snowball-method. The main reason why people join Facebook is friends. Friends suggest joining Facebook or they already have their accounts there and people want to be connected with them. In addition, one other reason for joining is the wish to follow the trend. The relation between the social network and the user is sustained because people visit the environment every day on the average of 1-2 hours. Facebook users do not organize their information in any special way. They block and delete the annoying applications, users and the fan-pages of businesses. In some cases they increase the amount of information the users see in news feed. Mostly the users search information about their friends and acquaintances, as well as keep in touch with the information related to their hobbies and speciality. Most of the contacts of the Facebook users are their acquaintances but they regard only a small amount of them as their friends. Facebook users do not know the real number of their fan-pages and estimate it to be smaller than it is. Users join with fan-pages that are connected with their occupation, hobbies, or fan-pages that share practical first-rate information. Occasionally, they join to support their friends. Users also join to take part of the various campaigns but usually they delete the fan-pages afterwards. The least represented reason for users to join the fan-pages is to show their consumption preferences. The fan-pages are found from their contacts' news feed. Mostly users do not search for businesses or organisations themselves. There are three reasons to join the fan-pages: users wish to find additional information about the business or organisation or its product/service, they want to find information that could be useful and practical in their occupation, they support their friends’ businesses or their taking part in various campaigns. Consumption-games and campaigns also motivate people to join businesses' fan-pages because of the lucrative interests. Most of the Facebook users do not think that it is important to join the fan-pages of the brands they consume, but being a fan is important in two aspects. Firstly, when the fan-pages create valuable content that is useful for the user. Secondly, when they can support their friends with that. From fan-pages users expect honesty, regularity, new and qualitative information, fast feedback and discussion. They also like to receive additional information about different sales and campaigns. Facebook users usually do not operate directly on fan-pages but they get the information from the posts in news feed, which has the central place in the communication of businesses in social network. There are two reasons which motivate to operate directly on fan-pages: interesting and eye-catching posts or emotional connection with the fan-page. The main activities when operating on fane-page include reading the posts, news and comments from other users. People do not comment much themselves but rather observe what others have to say. Users also may search the information of products, services or sales. Most of the users have taken part of the comsumption-games or campaigns of businesses or organisations. The motives to take part in such campaigns have been good prizes, interest in winning posibilities and the suggestions of friends. Most of the shared commercial content is conditioned from taking part of the campaigns because one campaigne rule is to share the image or link of the business or organisation. People usually share things with humorous content, things that have effected people positively, things that, when shared, can help someone. Users usually do not take notice of the posts with commercial content from friends when there are more than one of them. Facebook users have mostly had contacts with the products or services of businesses before and most of the users think that being a fan has increased the consumption and deepened the client relations. Users think that they would pay more attention to the information connected with the businesses in offline-world, when fan-pages would post regularly and more often. Users think that information would also reach them through other channels but Facebook is fast and convenient solution for them. To conclude, we can say that users’ friends and contacts network, and the interests of the users play the most important role in the usage practices of Facebook. Facebook users have not adopted the business or organisation users and do not take them as the users of social media. Beyond doubt, the involvement with online-environment affects the consumption-habits of the users, but businesses have to learn how to operate in social media and create the valuable content. The everyday activities users engage in are watching their notifications, reading the news feed, commenting and „liking“, which is the most popular way to express their opinion. However, the visiting of the fan-pages of various businesses or organisations usually does not belong to everyday activities. The users post about two or three times in a week and mostly the content of the post is humorous and includes videos. Also, users notice the visual material in news feed the most.Item ID-kaardi kasutajate kogemused ja ootused(Tartu Ülikool, 2008) Veri, Rauno; Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, Pille, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Sotsiaalteaduskond; Tartu Ülikool. Ajakirjanduse ja kommunikatsiooni instituut
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